Chapter 17: Andy is a Cool Guy...?

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Yo, writing this while the house is empty. Could probably be watching porn right now...TOTAL JK. JUST A FUNNY. HONEST TO CASTIEL. But in all seriousness, I am probably going to make this a short one because the fam should be back within the hour, and it's so awkward when someone comes in and you get all nervous because you're writing about being in love with a teacher, when your fricking mother is a teacher, and has a bunch of hot teacher friends, and--OMG ONE OF THEM MADE A VERY EASILY MISINTERPRETED COMMENT TODAY AND I COULDN'T DEAL. SAVE ME GUYS. Here's a short, semi-humorous one (?) and I will update tomorrow, possibly part one of the party! Unsure of that, though...either way, enjoy :) Vote, comment, fan, blah blah blah, SHOW YOUR ADORATION (OR HATRED) and it will be deeply appreciated.

We quickly jumped apart as the throat was cleared. I tucked my arms behind my back and hung my head to stare at the floor in embarrassment and dread as Stephen coughed and made his way back around to the front of the counter. I barely managed to bring my head up to see the spy, and paled when I saw Andy leaning against the door frame of the hall leading to his office. He cocked his head with a frown on his face, then swallowed and said, "Erm, Leslie? Would you please accompany me to my office? I'd like to have a word with you..."

I felt my stomach drop and nodded, following him down the hall after giving Stephen a terrified glance, which he returned. We entered the small office, the door closing behind me as I tried to shrink into the filing cabinet to my direct right. Andy took his time closing the door, making his way around the chair in front of his desk, getting to his own swivel chair, settling into it...He was obviously building up to something. Oh, God, what if he fired me? He probably would say he didn't like it when employees fraternized behind the counter, and he'd back it up by saying that he looked to old for me and that he was going to report us, and then this very sweet relationship would be a short lived one that ended in tragedy, and...I struggled to halt my thoughts as he sighed loudly and stared at me. I could feel the judgment in his gaze...Just before he broke into a fit of laughter.

"Wow, Leslie, you dog!"

I stared at him with furrowed brows and widened eyes. Excuse me...?

"How old is that guy? He looks so mature for you...but you've always been more mature than your older coworkers. God, that was really intense to walk into! You guys were just in your own little world...I felt terrible breaking it up, but I figured you wouldn't wanna be caught by somebody less forgiving, ya know?" He chuckled again. "I bet that guy out there is just tearing his hair out thinking about how much he thinks I'm lecturing you! Ha! Oh..." He sighed.

I stepped forward from the wall. "'re not going me or turn me in or anything?" I said hesitantly.

He waved his hand. "Of course not! That was the most content I've ever seen you! I wouldn't just take that away with firing you or breaking you up with your boyfriend--well, more like manfriend." He winked.

"Wow..." I exhaled loudly. "That is...a major relief. Seriously, thank you."

He nodded, before gesturing at the chair in front of him. I sat trying to settle into the uncomfortable cushion, and once I'd stopped squirming, Andy leaned forward and set his elbows on the desk, resting his chin on his fists. "That wasn't the actual reason for calling you in, though."

I gave him a questioning look, hoping he'd go on.

"I couldn't help but notice that there wasn't anybody else out there. And I realized that there hasn't really been anybody out there for a few days...And I think it's safe to say that we're losing money."

I frowned. "What?"

He bobbed his head sorrowfully. "Yes. And I think...I think I may have to fire somebody. And you know how much I'm going to hate it!"

I paled slightly. He wasn't going to say he wouldn't fire me, and then go back on his word, would he?

"Listen, you didn't come in yesterday."

I paled. That's what I'd forgotten! I had felt that nagging sensation in my stomach...I had no idea it was my job! I leaned forward in my chair and immediately started begging. "Oh, jeez, sir! I completely forgot! We were on a date, and I hadn't really thought about it at all, because we weren't anywhere near here, and it just completely slipped my mind! I really--"

"Relax, Leslie, I'm not going to fire you. I already told you that. I'm just giving you a warning. Call in before you skip a shift, at the very least, okay? And maybe give me a heads up so I can tell Jefferson he's gotta manage all by himself?"

I nodded vigorously. "I promise, sir. I swear, I'll call every single time."

He smiled, leaning back in his seat. "That's what I wanted to hear."

I beamed at him, thankful for the lack of firing. Then I remembered the party tomorrow night... "Oh...sir, is it okay if I don't come in tomorrow? I've got a huge project I've been procrastinating on, and it's due on Thursday, so if I don't do it tomorrow night, I won't get it done in time. And Homecoming is on Friday night, and I'm going with Jesse."

He tilted his head curiously. "Jesse? You finally said yes?"

I shrugged. "I'm going merely as friends, although he seems to have other things on his mind..."

He sighed understandingly. "Alright, but you're working on Saturday! Actually, just to make you feel even more guilty about having a busier social life than me, I'm making you work a double."

I nodded curtly. "Completely understandable."

He grinned. "Well, now that that's all settled and done..." He stood and went around his desk to open the door for me. "Get back to work, missy!"

I almost hugged him, but settled with a compliment. "You're the best boss ever. Thank you so much for being so understanding, sir." I beamed as I passed by, and he turned slightly pink at the compliment, before nodding bashfully and ducking behind the closed door.

I skipped out of the hallway, to see Stephen wringing his hands and sitting on the counter again. I tiptoed behind him and poked his lower back, making him jump and turn around quickly. I giggled and said, "We're all clear, sir! Nothing to be afraid of, including me getting fired for not showing up for work! I've got tomorrow and Friday off!"

His worried face instantly transitioned to one of joy, and he swung his legs around to jump down and hug me again behind the counter, making sure to keep it quick in case we got caught up in the moment again. "That's great! Oh, God, I was so worried!"

I bit my lip at his over-excited state. "Well, you've no reason to be, sir! Everything will be fine!" I smirked at him, leaning forward so that our noses were inches apart. He stared down at me with humorous eyes. "That's good..." He quickly glanced towards the hallway before pecking my lips with his. I leaned back afterwards, sticking my tongue out in pure happiness. Everything was playing out surprising well now that I'd calmed down after Jesse's monologue...

I sighed. "Alright, now, for real, would you like something to eat? We have muffins, granola bars, yogurt..."

Guys, I feel like I have to tell you that, I'm in love with this guy...I don't even really ever talk to him, but HE'S SO HOT IN A COMPLETELY UNNOTICEABLE WAY! DO YOU KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT? I keep reading stories, and they all seem to describe him, and then I freak out during the steamy scenes and imagine I'm the main character because that's how desperate I am. I need advice on how to strike up a conversation. And the worst part? I've exchanged probably a total of thirty words with him, but his voice is something to keep coming back for! And he's so totally dorky, and adorable and...I'M FRUSTRATED WITH HOW MUCH I LIKE HIM. PLEASE INBOX ME EITHER A WAY TO GET OVER HIM, OR A WAY TO GET HIM TO GO TO HOMECOMING WITH ME. EITHER OR. I'm miserable. And always on edge in the class I have with him (HE SITS RIGHT NEXT TO ME!!!) I don't even have the energy to leave a video...but I will, because I love you guys that much...

--blurghtastic is in love and says NOTHING CAN DEFEAT THE PENIS! (vote or comment if you know what that's from :P)

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