Chapter 25: Taking a Turn (for the Worst)

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Okay, so I've just been sentenced to an hour and a half of library time at school, and all the textbooks I would need to do homework are, well, at home, so I thought I'd finally get around to writing something up for you guys. Keep in mind, though, that I put the possibility of being discovered BY A TEACHER IN SCHOOL writing about teachery studenty stuff, so...Ugh, I have no right to be saying stuff like 'be thankful' to you guys; I've kept you waiting for so freaking long...I'M SORRYYYYY (there's this one teacher that I secretly hope walks in at some point and reads my story; hint hint) (ew the one with the pedostache just walked by; DON'T READ THIS *covers screen with arms* NO) Okay, I'll probably update you on the goings on in the library throughout this chapter, because school is quite a busy place, innit? Whew, this chapter is gonna be a toughie...

As Jesse sped along the short drive to Stephen's apartment, I started to feel my stomach churn. I hadn't though this through at all. Jesse's common sense had gotten to me, but as per usual, there were two sides to this coin. Yes, I would be getting rid of potential--not even potential, inevitable--heartbreak, but...what would that do to Stephen? Not to mention the eventual realization that I'd just broken up with the first thing to make me happy in a long time...

"Fuck," I whispered, taking a deep breath. I couldn't do it. I absolutely could NOT do this. I started to shake my head. "J--Jesse, no, stop, I can't do this."

I started to paw at Jesse's shoulder, hoping he'd take the hint and turn around. Go back to his house, where we could hide out for the day and just talk like we used to...But he kept going. "Please, just turn around, I'll...I'll do it later, I just, I can't now--"

"Leslie, stop! You know that this is the better option in the long term, you know it. I know it, obviously, I'm just trying to look out for you! Now stop trying to make me turn around and get your shit togther."

I shook my head. "Please don't make me, I was so happy until last night, please--"

"That 'until' is the key word here, Les. You have to see that, okay? You're not gonna end up any happier than you were before; probably worse. If you stop it now you save yourself the heartache and those goddamn grief steps and the way you think about him at night even though you know she's never gonna--I mean he. He's never gonna do anything..." He took a breath. "Just don't fight me, okay? This is for the best, I know it."

I sat there for a moment. Maybe he was right...But I couldn't do it today. I had to mentally prepare, I had to get my shit together in case I broke down in front of him and couldn't say it, I had to build up a wall..."Okay, you're right. Can I please just do it later? I need time to...prepare, so turn around and we'll go home and make pancakes and watch movies and gossip and talk and eat and be lie we used to before I turned into a rebel, okay? Please?"

He turned to give me a pleading look. I could tell that, depsite having my best interests in mind, his were second in command. He was hoping I would do it now, so he could feel better about himself...But I couldn't let the puppy dog look get to me. I would do it later today, probably. Just go over to his house and--

Our gaze broke as I heard a terrifyingly loud thunk and my body was thrown forward, my seatbelt immediately constricting against my chest as I was flung at the dashboard of the car. I must’ve hit my head on it or something, because I don’t remember anything for a few minutes...But when I woke up my head was throbbing, and I didn’t want to move. But I felt like I had to, so I sat up from my position with my head resting on the glove box handle. I leaned back slowly, my head already starting to throb. I could feel something sticky on my temple, but I was too distracted by the sight to my left.

Jesse was angled at the steering wheel, his head resting on it. His eyes were closed, and there was blood dripping all down the side of his face and onto the wheel in front of him. His seatbelt, thank God, had restrained him from flying out of the window, but he seemed to have gotten some more severe injuries...I blinked slowly. My head was pounding, and I didn’t know what to do; it was like my thoughts were scrambled. I immediately wondered how I could get Jesse to the hospital, and I knew I needed a phone. Screw my cell-less self...I looked over and remembered Jesse had one. I grabbed at his pocket, hoping it wouldn’t be on the other side. Thankfully, I felt the rectangular lump in his side pocket, and struggled to get at it… My fingers were so shaky, I had to try three times to get the number right, but finally, those normal tones started to ring out, and I let out a trembling breath. After just a few rings, I heard a calm woman say, “911, where is your emergency?”

The rest is a blur.

So there's now an indent in the middle of the doc...? Eh, whatever, I'M JUST GLAD I HAD THE TIME TO GET THIS UP! Although, downside, my dad now knows I'm depressed and keeps giving me all this stuff (for example, taking me on a grocery shopping spree and letting me get basically anything I want, paying me ten extra dollars for doing the dishes) and I mean, yeah, awesome, food, but also, gross, pity. So, whatever...GUYS MY BIRTHDAY IS ON THE FIRST OF DECEMBER I'LL BE ABLE TO CHANGE MY 'ABOUT ME' TO FIFTEEN!!! I'm flipping out and wondering how I should tell Noah it's my birthday next weekend (it's not like I'll expect him to get me something, I just want a 'happy birthday, by the way' on the day after). Tips? HERE'S A SUCKY PLOT THICKENER. I LOVE YOU GUYS WAY TOO MUCH FOR WORDS

--blurghtastic is almost fifteen and says JESUS FUCKING CHRIST...

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