Chapter 15: Telling Jesse

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I feel absolutely terrible, guys. Seriously. I have to get adjusted to school, but that isn't a very good reason to leave you hanging for two weeks. Really. So...check out my Benedict fic, and don't hate me. I'm updating now, so...**shrug** I'll probably be able to update better now, last this week was the first full week, and it was stressful and school-y, and blah blah blah. JESSE IN THIS ONE.

After Stephen dropped me off at school with a kiss, I started to contemplate what I was going to tell Jesse about my past couple of days. I could tell him I was completely boring and not involved with anything, but I didn't want to shut him out like that. And at the same time, I know that he would hate the idea that some adult--let alone a teacher--got me instead of him. I grimaced as I left the office with my pass to class. I felt terrible for making him wait for my answer, but right now wasn't a very good time to be asking me to a dance or anything date-y. I already had a boyfriend, that he didn't even know about...I paled slightly as I realized Stephen would be there, and if I said yes to Jesse, he would get angry, or even worse, be completely fine with it. He probably wouldn't even be able to pick up on the fact that Jesse likes me. I didn't...

As I neared my class, I realized this was the moment when I had to decide what to tell him. Was I going to say what was really going on? I guess I'd have to let my instinct take over...

I opened the door and the entire class swiveled around in their chairs to get a look at the intruder. I blushed slightly as I strode to the front of the class, handed the teacher my pass, and slunk to the back to find my seat. Unfortunately, the only one open was right next to Jesse. Normally, I would be completely fine with this, even excited, but now, I couldn't deal with it. I'd just have to not look at him...As if that would work.

As soon as I set my backpack on the floor next to my desk and sat down, Jesse leaned over and whispered, "What's going on?"

 I tried to keep my calm as I breathed out, "Nothing," under my breath without looking at him.

He leaned over a bit more and said, "I don't think so, because you haven't talked to me at all in the past twenty four, and that is completely unlike you. You'd have called me with math questions."

I shrugged, keeping my eyes on the teacher up front. She was completely unaware of the amount of whispering occuring in her class right now... "I didn't have any. It was..." I cleared my throat. "...Easy."

He scoffed quietly, returning fully to his seat with a muttered, "Yeah, right."

I tried to pay attention to what I was supposed to be learning, but I couldn't when I felt a piece of paper slide onto my desk. I glanced over at Jesse, and he had a cold glare set on his face as he stared up at the teacher. I quietly unfolded the paper and read, "What aren't you telling me? We tell each other everything..."

I groaned. I knew he was gonna pull the secret-keeper card. I grumbled as I wrote back, "This is...complicated. I feel like you wouldn't understand."

I handed it back to him and let out a long, slow, shaky breath. He was going to convince me to tell him; I could feel it. But...I didn't want to upset him. So badly, I just wanted things to be the same, but apparently that wouldn't be happening while Homecoming was on its way and I was dating a teacher.

The paper reappeared on my desk, and I opened it warily. "Even if I don't, it's your duty to tell me. You can't keep everything inside, and you know it."

The rest of the class passed with trying to fend him off, and failing when he broke through my common sense a little bit more with every note. Finally, the bell rang, and I scrambled to get out of the class. Sadly, he was just as quick, if not quicker, and he was at my side in no time.

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