Chapter 4: Imagination

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The weekend passed without further problems, but as Monday neared, I feared for my connection with Stephen. As soon as he found out who I was, and vice versa, he would abandon all ideas of a happily ever after with me...his student. I wasn’t technically his student, but that wouldn’t stop him from freaking out. A student was enough to scare him off. On Sunday night, I was back to walking around, my limp barely noticeable anymore. I would be perfectly normal by the next morning. He and I had probably made a bigger deal than needed about it, but better safe than sorry. And tomorrow, I would be walking down the school corridor to fifth period, waltzing right past his room. I planned on not giving him a second glance, but if he saw me...I imagined what I would do if he saw me.

I strode down the hall, weaving the crowd and trying not to touch or be touched by a single person in the hall. As I neared his classroom, I began to panic. Would he see me? I glanced at him as I passed by, and he caught my gaze, eyes widening as he realized who I was. I would know those blue eyes anywhere, and I almost stopped right in the hallway. I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t just walk by without acknowledging him. So I waited for a break in the crowd, and when one came, I slid through and crossed the hallway to his room. He had unfolded his arms and they sat at his sides, shaking slightly. I felt a slight power over him; I’d never been able to get a reaction like this out of a guy before. But then again, he wasn’t just a guy. He was a teacher. And he liked me, no matter who I was. As I reached him, he looked down at me. “Wha...” I shook my head before he could finish. “I knew I recognized you from somewhere,” I murmured. He nodded dazedly. “Well...” He couldn’t finish. I blinked, then turned. “I guess I’ll return your stuff and see you around. Goodbye, Stephen.”

I blinked out of my fantasy. I hoped to God that wasn’t what it would be like. Just leaving it like that would be like hell. No more Stephen would mean no more fun common interests with someone attractive and seemingly into me. PRobably ever. No, even my fantasies wouldn’t end that way.

I crossed the hall to his room. He had stepped inside, and I followed him. Before he could say a word, whether it be out of anger or shock, I pulled him to me. The scrape on my jaw was just barely scabbed over, and it tickled when he placed his hand ever so lightly on my cheek. My lips brushed his, a shiver running down both of our spines, and I pulled away. His hand remained on either side of my face, and I blushed slightly at my forwardness. He let his thumb rub my cheek, and I leaned into it, closing my eyes as he caressed my lower lip with the tip of his finger. “We mustn’t...” He shushed me. “It doesn’t matter,” he murmured as he pulled me into a deeper, more passionate kiss.

I smiled. That would be nice...But it would definitely not go that way. No teacher in his right mind would kiss a student mere feet from half of the student body.

When I reached his room, I slid in. He had his back to me, and I noticed the lavender dress shirt he’d selected for the day was hanging so well on his lanky frame. But then he turned, a frown on his face. “Why didn’t you tell me you were in high school? If you’d let me, I would’ve...I could’ve...” He let out an exasperated sigh. “Well, I would prefer if you returned the items I’ve loaned you and we never speak of Friday night again. It was completely inappropriate, and I feel terrible about it. And I sincerely hope that you do, too.” I scoffed. “Are you seriously yelling at me? I can’t control what you did when you thought I was your age. That’s on you. You were the one making all the advances. I just sat back and waited until I felt we’d known each other long enough to actually do any of the things you were mentally bombarding me with.” He opened his mouth in angered shock. “Oh, really? ‘Mentally bombarding?’ If you hadn’t crashed that goddamned bike of yours, we wouldn’t even be having this conversation right now!” He took a breath, glancing into the hall before closing his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose. He was desperately calming down mentally as well as he could. “Listen, just return my stuff and leave me alone, OK? I may have been...forward with you last night, but now that I know who you are, we can’t even be friends without suspicion. You know that right? So...Thanks for stopping in. See you later.”

I shivered. If that happened, I would literally curl up in a ball and cry. Not really, but I’d feel like it. Being denied like that...I sighed. I guess I just have to leave it to fate. Tomorrow, I’d find out what would become of the meeting of Stephen and Leslie. I’d have to return his stuff either way, but I hoped it would be out of courtesy rather than anger.

Yo. I'm kind of obsessively writing. Sorry. I promise to space it out. Even though that's the exact opposite of what other people are doing. Whatever...this is a short one. Apologies :) I wrote it in under an hour, though, so you gotta give me kudos for that. Anywho, vote, comment, and fan for your favorite skirt-clad writer ever :) just kidding. I'm not your favorite. Unless I am. Which means you should follow me. Ok, shutting up now.

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