Explaining to the Hokage

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Kakashi walked up to us with a lazily expression "what you gonna do?" he asked us knowing we didn't like explaining long explanations.

I sighed "whatever happens, happens I suppose" he eyed me worried for a second. 

"Don't you want to explain it?" he asked softly 

"It's not that, it's how I can explain it" I replied and we continued to walk to the Hokage's tower in silence.

Upon reaching the office Sasuke knocked loudly, just wanting to get this over with. Sakura put a hand on my shoulder knowing I was worried. 'kurama?' I called

  'Yes kit?' 

'I'm going to have to explain some things to the Hokage and you'll probably be brought into it' I warned 

'Do you want me to come out and explain how it happened for you?' he asked 

'Maybe if it gets like that' 

'Sure kit, just call me, if you need me' he reassured softly. 

"Enter" spoke an strong and wise voice, after nodding to my siblings and sensei, we entered and immediately felt the confused/questioning stare of the Hokage. I chuckled uncomfortably and looked away from him. "Naruto?" he called and innocently turned my head towards him 

"Yes Lord Hokage?" i said with a respectful tone. 

"Do you mind explaining to me how you three were able to perform those styles?" he questioned.

"What styles?" I asked already knowing what he meant but not really wanting to be here, Kakashi chuckled at my poor attempt to sound confused along with Sasuke and Sakura. 

The Hokage's stare turned slightly cold and answered with authority "The star, moon and sun styles" I looked towards Sakura and Sasuke to see if it was okay to let him know, it was also their styles as well, and they nodded in reassurance. 

I took a deep breath "Those were the styles of the Hitsugaya clan, Lord Hokage" the said person's eyes widen in shock while kakashi looked confused. 

"Hitsugaya clan?" he repeated, not understanding what was so shocking about it.

Sakura nodded "An ancient clan dated back to the time of the Sage of the Six paths" she answered.

"But that clan was wiped out at that time also" added Sasuke. 

"how do you have such styles then?" asked kakashi for the Hokage.

"kurama implanted the blood into us" I answered truthfully 

"That makes us an actually family" added Sasuke proudly, trying to change the subject from Kurama. 

It was a failed attempt as the Hokage's and Kakashi's eyes narrowed at us "Who is kurama?" asked kakashi 

"He doesn't belong to the village" added the Hokage 

"He's our older brother" said Sakura without hesitation, and i felt kurama's ears pick up at that in my mind. 

'We all think of you as family, kura-nii' I said mentally to him. "And how did you meet this brother of yours?" asked the Hokage seriously with suspicion in his voice, we looked that each other 'We can't get ourselves out of this can we?' I thought, and as if reading my mind, Sasuke and Sakura shook their heads at me and leaned closer to me in a reassuring manner. 

I'll explain kit.' stated Kurama 

'Are you sure?' I asked worried, knowing that the Hokage and Kakashi could just attack him without warning instead of letting him explain.

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