Part 13

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From: Bailey Prescott >

To: Lucas Garver >


RE: Pillow Talk

July 15, 2012 at 7:42 AM


Dear Lucas,

Is it crazy that I refresh my phone a million times a day to see if you emailed? It's really the only thing I have to look forward to while I'm here. It's not that it's terrible to spend time in my dad's home, but this is his life and it really couldn't be any more different than my life at home. I don't have any friends here and as much as I love a good Disney movie, watching it a million times in one day really does cause it to lose its magic.

You asked about my home. I live in California with my mom. It's a really small two-bedroom apartment near Santa Monica. It's just the two of us and I guess I never really appreciate how quiet it is there until I'm here for a few days. What's it like at your real home?

You never told me about the business you have to take care of here in Florida. Is it something super top secret? Is it something personal? How long will you be here?

My dad keeps threatening to take me camping. He says I'm always on my phone and that I should put it down and look at all the beautiful things around me. I think he's probably talking about nature, but all I see when I look around here are pictures of his new life and a house full of things that he bought brand new. I think he sees his leaving my mom and I as a comma in his life story. He's a terrible editor. He hasn't realized that it was a semicolon. It completely separated two independent clauses.

Off to Disney hell,


P.S. I've attached the picture for Violet ;) I'll be honest too, I'm sort of hoping she's terribly ugly.



Hi readers! I hope you are enjoying getting to know Bailey and Lucas. You're along for this journey and I would love to hear your thoughts and questions. I'd also love to hear the Disney movie that repeats itself the most in your head! Don't be so quiet--leave a comment! Tell me who Bailey looks like in your head.

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