Part 25

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From: Lucas Garver >

To: Bailey Prescott >


Not Even Close

July 23, 2012 at 9:37 PM


Dear Bailey,

I'm so sorry to disappoint you. My name is not Lucas Uranus Garver. And you're not getting to know my middle name until I've heard yours. It's only fair. Should I start guessing or are you going to offer it up?
You wanted to know about my brother. He's a junior in high school this year. We got along great when we were kids, but things got a little rough right around the time that my mom get sick. Having to be a parent to him at times really made our sibling relationship messy. I think he resented me telling him what to do and maybe even that I was with my mom more because he had to focus on his schoolwork. He's always been a better student that I am. It made sense that I'd be the one to miss days.

Right now we try to talk at least once a week. I usually call him and leave a message and then he returns the call when he isn't out with friends or studying for some advanced class he's enrolled in. I swear that kid got all the brains. I might feel like sometimes it's a lot to have been responsible for so many decisions about his future, but I never once resented that those decisions were mine to make. He's my best friend.

Well, he's my best guy friend. I think right now you and I are in communication more than he and I are. I'm not sure what that makes us...but I think we can talk this problem through...let's see... he is my best guy friend—because he's a guy and all....and you are a best friend....only you're not a since you're a girl------what? I'm just trying to figure out exactly how it would be said------so as I was saying, you are my best friends that's a girl—my best girlfriend. Right?

You also asked about how attached I am to my phone. The answer is not much. I'm not on any social media. My phone works for texts, calls and emails. Occasionally I'll play a game. As you've experienced twice with me already, I never keep it charged and most of the time it's dead. I'm going to try to be better about that.

I haven't had a chance to open the letters again. Maybe that's not exactly true. I've had a minute here and there, but I know what will happen if I open them. I am going to want to read them all. I'm not going to be able to read one and then set it aside and go about my business. I'm not a cliffhanger type of guy. This brings me to my next point. Our books need to be put back together. Let's make that happen. When are you flying back home?



P.S.Dear Diary,

I like a girl in thick black-framed glasses. She knows all the words to Toy Story. Every. Last. One. But she still watches it because that's what a good sister would do. I like this girl that agreed to write letters when she just admitted she lives on her phone and probably does most of her communicating via abbreviated words in a text message. I like that she likes me because she thinks I'm brave, purposely forgetting that I've shared with her my weaknesses. 

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