Epilogue 1/4

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She isn't expecting me. I told her that I was working late, but I know she'll forgive me for the small lie. I watch her as she locks the door and waves goodbye to her coworker. When she turns around and our eyes meet, it feels as if my heart would do anything to get to hers. I chuckle as my stomach lifts with that nervous energy I still get when I see her happy. She's my whole world.

Her brows pinch together as she moves towards me. I open the door and slide out, closing it behind me and meeting her halfway.

"What are you doing here?" she asks. Her arms circle around my waist and she lifts up on her tiptoes to press a soft kiss to my lips.

"I got off early. I wanted to surprise you." I try to say the words in between kisses, and we both laugh before finally giving in and letting our mouths meet until we both can't breathe. When I pull away I tell her, "I need you to trust me."

I can't imagine how that must have just sounded especially with me showing up unexpected, but I never see suspicion in her eyes. Instead she tilts her head and waits for me to explain. "Say you trust me," I tease.

"I trust you. What are you up to?" She squints her eyes at me and I reach up to rub her cheek. Her face turns as she quickly kisses my palm.

"Just something I should have done a while ago." I tug her hand so we can get in my truck. We don't have much time.

"Is there food involved? I'm hungry and we haven't been to the store in a few days so there's nothing for me to make at home." She clicks her seatbelt on and reaches for her phone in her purse.

"Don't get your phone," I tell her.

"You're being weird. What's going on?" Her soft laugh makes me want to kiss her again, but I remind myself there isn't any time.

"Just trust me." I pull out onto the main road and try not to be too distracted by the way she's watching me. Her eyes are taking me in and I suddenly wish we had time to go home for a while first.

We pull into the parking lot and up to the salon even though it should already be closed. Loni is inside waiting just like we'd planned.

"Lucas," she laughs, "is Loni in on this?" Her hand moves to the handle of the door and she opens it.

"She is, but I've made her swear not to tell you anything." Bailey and Loni have been friends since Bailey moved here. They're always meeting for lunch or chatting while Loni does Bailey's hair. I know they trust each other and I'm hoping Loni keeps her promise not to say anything.

When Loni lets us inside, I can see the excitement on her face. I couldn't have pulled this off without her. She ushers Bailey over to her chair and motions for her to sit. Bailey looks back at me with a pleading expression, but I just chuckle and shake my head, refusing to let her in on the plans just yet.

"Fine. I get it. My best friend and my husband are a team. Enjoy your little secret because I'm going to get it out of one of you before this night is over." Bailey scowls at us.

"Oh, wait. I have something." Loni leaves for a second and comes back with a glass of champagne for each of us. "I thought this would be fun. I don't usually have customers in here after we've closed."

I take my glass and hold it up. "You're contributing to the delinquency of a minor."

"I'll live," she answers.

Bailey protests, "I'm an adult! Twenty-one is just a number. I'm almost there."

Loni brushes out Bailey's hair. "I've got her Lucas. And my lips are sealed. You can go hang out in the back." She winks at me and now my heart is really racing. It's so important to me that everything goes smoothly. I nod my head and head to the back where I know my Dress Blues will be hanging. I dropped them off this morning when Bailey thought I was at work already. When I pass by the small restroom, which looks more like a fancy lounge than a bathroom should, I feel a wave of relief seeing the bag hanging from the hook. The bright blue heels are on the floor beneath it.

I can't take any credit for that dress. I would not have known where to start if it wasn't for Loni planning her wedding to a friend of mine from the shop. I swear Bailey and her must have looked at over a thousand dresses by now, but Loni told me this was the one that Bailey kept talking about. She also knew her measurements since Bailey is the Maid of Honor in her wedding. This night took a lot of collaboration, a little luck, and more sneaking around than I felt comfortable with. In the end, I know it will all be worth it.

A text message comes through from my brother to let me know he was able to get to the tux shop in time, but he forgot socks so he'll be without them. I don't give a shit about the socks, I'm just glad his delayed flight into this small town finally got here. I wish I could have been there to pick him up at the airport, but it was getting too close to the time I knew Bailey would be leaving.

I can hear the girls laughing through the walls as I get dressed. Then I hear the bell from above the door jingle as Loni lets someone else in. I'm not expecting anyone so I freeze and listen to the conversation.

"I hope you don't mind her taking some pictures, Bailey. I need a few to post online for the shop. We don't do very many fancy hair styles until closer to the ball, but this might get girls excited to come to the shop when the time comes." Loni is my hero. I didn't even think about a photographer. Leave it to her to save my ass. I'll pay it back when it's time for her wedding.

"That's a great idea," Bailey tells her. "I was thinking that you should start posting more of your stuff online. I've had so many girls ask me who colors my hair. Everyone loves it."

Another text comes through, this time from Liam.

Liam: Mateo's flight just landed. We'll be at the hall in thirty.

Me: Thanks. Did he bring her?

Liam: Does he go anywhere without her?

Me: No. He's as whipped as you.

Liam: We aren't the ones getting married...AGAIN.

I step out of the room in my Dress Blues. When Bailey sees me her eyes light up. Her hair is curled and only a small section is pinned back. She looks beautiful as always and I'm a little sad that Loni made me bring her contacts because she said Bailey won't want to wear her glasses with the dress.

"Did she rope you into doing these pictures too?" Bailey asks.

I shake my head and hand her a note I wrote for her. I kiss her forehead as the photographer takes a few shots. "I love you, Bailey. I wasn't lying when I told you I'd do it all again." 

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