Chapter One

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** If you may be offended by my republican and Christian beliefs, please do not read this story. If you choose to read then I hope you enjoy!! Like, comment, and vote! Thanks**

I had no clue why I was at the political rally. When a group of my friends asked me to go, I thought they were mad. I mean, I was a republican for Petes sake! Why would I waste my time listening to a democrat, John Mayor? He stood against everything I believed in. I stood behind the stage with my friends Ash, Molly, Mackenzie, Katie, and Scarlett. I was confused to why we would come when everyone of us, except Molly were republicans. They all stood in the middle of the crowd to chant, but I stayed back against the stainless steel barricades. As John Mayor spoke I kept regretting my decision to come.
"I should have stayed home." I mumbled. I switched the leg I stood on, adjusting my hot pink 3/4 length dress. I figured I might as well have looked presentable. I made sure I was cleanly dressed, my nude heels were shiny, my make up was accurate, and my hair was immaculate.
"I agree. I would if I could." I heard a guy say behind me. I glanced with my peripherals and saw a sharply dressed guy. "He's a cliché, don't you think? He's supposed to be a people pleaser, but doesn't know the people." He continued to talk. My plan was to ignore him, but he seemed to actually have the same political views as me.
"That's exactly what I th-" I stopped mid word as I turned to see none other than John Mayor's son, Bradley Mayor. "Oh my! I feel so dumb." I gasped.
"Hey don't worry about it. I won't tell him anything." He smirked. Bradley was known for being a class A jerk and sucking away his fathers money. He was basically a whore-loving bum. He was always on the cover of the tabloids and just months earlier a sex tape of him leaked. I didn't want to be nice to him, but his net worth cost more than my entire family put together. "I'm Bradley Mayor, which I assume you know." He mentioned. I put my hand out for him to shake.
"Belle Carter." I attempted to smile.
"Well you are quite a belle." He winked at me. I was fluent in French. And belle meant beautiful.
"Oh. Wow! I'm just swooning at your feet." I spoke sarcastically.
"Sorry," he shrugged. "I can't deny a beautiful lady." He continued to flirt.
"Sorry buddy, but try and deny it." I rolled my eyes and turned away.
"Hey babe, don't be like that. Let me buy you a round of drinks after this." He spoke cockily with a smirk. I was sick of that rally for a cause I didn't believe in, being around so many people, and the douchebag next to me. I grabbed my tote bag and turned towards the exit. "So, is that a yes!?" He shouted. I kept walking and never turned around. I found my black Toyota Corolla I've had since I was 16 years old in the parking lost and headed home. I was so done with that day and little did I know, the days that followed wouldn't get any better.

I fell in love with the presidents son. [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now