Chapter Ten

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Death. It's the one thing everyone has in common. Regardless, it could be your parents, a sibling, grandparents, a close friend, or you. There are some people who wish they could die, but who wishes for death? Maybe they just wish for a change in life. You need to realize just how precious it really is. They say to practice what you preach, but in that moment that I sat on my bed, that I hadn't left in a week, all I wished for was death. I just wanted one night of freedom and God replayed me with taking my dad away. My light, my life, my world, he was gone. I wouldn't see him again. The boxes of his belongings sat all around me and I had his blankets around me. They smelled of him. I had no mom, no dad, a shitty home, a shitty apartment, and a shitty life. Death. That's all I asked for. My job at vogue was probably already taken since I never showed for the interview. I soon fell asleep. My dad and I faced each other in a long, white narrow hallway. He looked happy and healthy.
"Bella. What are you doing?" He asked. The voice that was so familiar, but yet so forgotten.

"I'm missing you." I simply stated. I kept my distance, not daring to move.

"No, Bella. You aren't. You are moping around and feeling sorry for yourself. That isn't the same thing. I'm gone. I'm not coming back. Now go do the things you couldn't before. Live your life Bella. And remember I love you." I fell to my knees crying while he faded into the light.

When I awoke I had tears streaming down my face. I had no clue that I had anymore tears left in me. I wasn't sure if that dream was a message from God or my hallucinations, but, regardless I would take to heart and live. Life. Not death. I plotted out my plan. I rushed into the shower to begin the day, or more like the afternoon. After a long and needed shower, I put on a pink floral dress with chunky cream heels. I allowed my hair to curl down my back, and braiding back a few pieces. I put on my makeup with subtle pinks and nudes. I grabbed my pink tote and headed out the door. I called the number favorited in my phone.

"Hello, this is Bethany Grey. Whom am I speaking with?" Her monotoned voice broke through.

"Hey, Bethany. It's Bella Carter. And before you speak I would like to deeply apologize for not answering your multiple phone calls and emails. I'm terribly sorry. My father passed away two weeks ago and I've been, I'm not going to beat around the bush, I've been feeling sorry and wallowing in depression for a while." I rambled really fast before Bethany cleared her throat.

"Miss. Carter. I am deeply sorry for your loss, but the way you blew us off is completely unacceptable," Bethany paused and I stifled a breath. "But, lucky for you. Vogue has been needing someone just like you for so long. Would you be able to make it up here in two days time and meet with us? All expenses paid." She inquired. I jumped up and down in excitement. I could believe it was happening. My dream job.

"Of course! I'll see you then. Email me the details. Thank you. Bye bye." I hung up and jumped in my car. Next thing on the list. As I pulled up to his mansion I let a long deep breath out. I had no clue what to tell him, but fate would come into play. I knocked and one of Bradley's maids answered. She called for him and I saw his movement. I smiled as he came to the door, but I noticed his stone cold face and my smile faded.

"Hello Bella." He spoke unwavering and a complete loss of emotion. I was confused. Maybe I was a little late, but I was there.

"Hey! I'm going to apologize first. I'm sorry for not ever calling. It wasn't that the sex was bad, it's just that.." I sucked in a breath while a single tear fell. "My dad passed away that morning. I'm sorry. But I'm here now and maybe we could go out. Maybe the beach?" I offered trying to cheer up, but Bradley kept his stone cold persona up.

"I'm sorry for the loss Bella, but we can't. I've had my fun with you so I'm done. I had the sex and now we are done. Oh and let me tell you! You were such a hard nut to crack, but I guess it was easier than expected since you are extremely gullible." He chuckled for the first time. My mouth gaped open.

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