Chapter Eight

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I crossed the threshold of Bradley Mayors house once more, than I had ever expected to. Bradley had been a miracle in disguise to me. I was forever grateful to God himself. Bradley had offered for me to come stay with him that night, since Abi was gone. He had told me he'd gotten an advanced copy of the new Star Wars movie that didn't come out for months. He took me into the theatre room, allowing me to settle in a love seat next to me. I couldn't be still, I was so full of excitement about that movie. As the sound of animated shots and fighter jets filled my ears, I watched in awe. Towards the end I wept silent tears (no spoilers), but it was an amazing movie. At the end I let tears travel down my cheeks. Bradley turned towards me and smiled,

"Don't cry my beautiful." He placed warms kisses on the trails that the tears streamed on. He slowly moved down to my lips and kissed me softly, progressing into something rough and craving. He turned to pin me underneath him, inches from my ear.

"Did you enjoy the movie?" He teased.

"Yes." I blushed as he slowly tugged on my earlobe,

"You know what I would enjoy?" He taunted, he began biting, kissing up and down my neck. I could feel him sucking hard right above my collarbone, it was sure to leave a hickey.

"Bradley." I panted out breathlessly. He continued the series of kisses. Each one left me hungry for more, and not to mention the tingling down between my legs. I felt him shift off of me and pecked one last kiss on my lips. He sauntered into the next room. I looked down like a lost puppy dog. I found him in the main living room playing the piano. I listened to the sweet, glorious sounds, identifying it as the moonlight sonta. When he nearly finished I waltzed over to him, placing playful kisses up and down his neck.

"Is this like 50 shades? Are you The Christian Grey?" I teased, sitting by him on the seat.

"My, my! Are you insinuating you want to sleep with me, My Belle?" He acted shocked, and in one swift motion he pinned me I front of him on the piano. A clash of chords boomed behind me as I hit the keys. No one had ever been so sexily forceful on me. His delicate touch ran up and down my arms, he looked determined as he evaluated my body. He used his hands to touch every single curve of me.

"You're so beautiful." He whispered. He began to push my hemline on my shirt up and over my head, revealing my tanned stomach. He then began a combination of kissing, biting, and licking my torso up to my lips. I soon began to gasp in ways I never knew was possible. When I looked into his eyes I no longer saw the vibrant orbs, I'd grown to love, but now black pits of lust. I leaned forward to take possession of his lips and moved to pin him under me. I began letting my lust over take my brains alarms that went off. I started doing things, I'd never in a million years thought id do. There was a pounding in the back of my head that kept telling to stop, that something was wrong, but I didn't listen. He slowly lifted up his shirt and he picked me up to take me over to the couch. I sighed in relief to be off the hard piano. He continued to be passionate, but I couldn't quite put in my all since my conscious was in the way. I refused to listen. I moved down to the zipper of his pants and worked them down to his ankles. I took in his length with my eyes, then my mouth. It was salty but yet sweet. I heard his breath hitch and then he panted my name. He started a pattern to consume it all. After a while of the repeated motions, I gasped in horror. I couldn't believe what I had just done,

"Um, I n-need to pee.." I blurted out and ran off to his luxurious bathroom. I leaned down on the floor and banged my head on the wall. My brain was so jumbled up. I was mad earlier, sad, happy, then sad some more, and now I was doing that. What I was doing in there to Bradley wasn't me. If i was doing a b- whatever that was! How was I any better than any of his whores. I started to cry, I couldn't believe what I had become. I was always so responsible and then I did that. That wasn't me! I was dry heaving so bad, I couldn't breath. I heard a knock at the door.

"Bella?" I heard Bradley speak. "If you want we can take this to my bedroom." He said deeply. Bedroom? I began to panic even more. I tried counting to ten. Breathing deeply. Anything.
6- and there it was vomit. I leaned into the toilet, letting the contents leak out.

"Is that a no?" He let out hoarsely. I splashed some water on my face and opened the door. Bradley stood there like a god as I looked like a mess.

"Bradley, I can't do this. I'm not any better than your other sluts, if I'm going to be doing this. I-i can't. This isn't me. Goodbye, Bradley." I pushed past him and grabbed my things as quickly as possible. I slipped on my shirt violently and sprinted for the door.

"Bella, please don't leave! I beg you-" Bradley caught up to me and grabbed my arms. I turned to face him, disgraced. I turned away.

"Goodbye, Bradley." I jerked my arm away and continued to the door. I ripped open the door so violently, I was shocked it didn't fall off the wall. I gasped as the person in front of me smirked.

"You must be the newest whore, according to the magazines." The old bastard dared to wink, it was the one and only John Mayor. I turned to look at Bradley's grimaced face. I pushed past the god awful man.

"Excuse me asshole." I shouted. He turned in shock.

"Asshole? Really? I lower your taxes!" He yelled back at me. I rolled my eyes as I approached my car.

"No all you do is lower people's life spans! Fuck you!" Add another angry to my list of emotions. I cranked my car and sped down his long, never ending driveway. As soon as I reached the next road i pulled over, and slammed my head on the steering wheel. I cried again, more distraught than ever.

What a day.

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