Chapter Seven

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Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy. If you are, please make my day and press like. Love, love!

I stared at the door, where the Bradley Mayor stood. His piercing blue eyes were boring into mine, as he has played with the sleeve of his black button down. He gave me a once over and stopped to smile at my neck. His perfect smile, it gave me goosebumps. I looked down at my neck and saw the diamond incrusted necklace he gave me.

"Did you like it?" He asked sheepishly. I reached for his hand that was still tugging on his sleeves. He looked up at me with the ocean orbs.

"I love it. Thank you so much." I smiled. He intertwined our hands, his presence, his grasp, just him in general made me feel safe.

"I couldn't buy you the real thing. So that was the best I could do." He frowned in his own dissatisfaction in himself.

"Don't degrade yourself, I love it." I pecked his cheek and ushered him inside. "Now I know my apartment isn't a million dollar penthouse, but it's home." I informed him solemnly. I stared at the dainty living room and kitchen and cringed. He stood behind me and wrapped is arms around me. I had barely known Bradley a week, but he seemed so open and honest. He made me feel safe, a way I hadn't felt in a long time. I relaxed into him and exhaled his scent. He smelled like honey and chocolate.

"Hey, I sat my bags in your-" Abi stopped mid sentence when she saw Bradley and I. "Oh! I didn't know he was here already." She beamed. I scooted away from Bradley a little bit in pure and absolute awkwardness.

"Oh, Abi this is Bradley, Bradley this is Abi." I smiled. They shook hands and greeted each other friendly. "So, what shall we do?" I asked eagerly. I saw Abi yawn and blink back her sleepiness.

"Well, I'm kind of jet legged, so I think I'll just turn in early. You two have fun." She yawned once more, and pecked my cheek before heading off to my bedroom. I turned back to Bradley in question.

"Do you want to go for a walk?" He asked. I lit up in excitement. I nodded in agreement as we headed out the door. There was a small park near my apartment so we began to walk there. He threw his arm over my shoulder in security.

"How was your day?" He nudged my side. I pulled him over to a swing set in the park.

"Well, I, um......." I trailed off in a loss of words. "I talked to the head of Vogue magazine today. She wants me." I smiled, but soon letting it fade from sadness.

"That's splendid! So why the long face?" He asked in pure confusion.

"Don't you see, Bradley. I can't go. I have my father." I sulked. I hated to feel like he was a burden, but he held me back from so many dreams. I hadn't noticed my eyes welling up with tears. I soon felt arms wrap around me. And in that moment I wept on his shoulder. I was upset. I felt like my life had been a sham up until now. What had I ever done for myself? I had been taking care of my mom for years and then suddenly my dad had his incident. My world was shattered before it had ever grew. There were opportunities out there for me but I couldn't take them, my dad. My dad. My dad. Every time I would think of him, I began to cry harder. I was a disappointment. I felt him shift away from me and then he put me on his back like a child, I then buried my head back into him. He approached my apartment, and luckily the door was unlocked. He sat me down on the couch and put a cover over me. I felt his soft lips press against my forehead. I mustered up the strength to open my eyes, revealing all of my vulnerability. He was headed to leave when I grabbed his wrist.

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