Chapter Six

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I woke up, not in the soft and plush bed from the other night. My back ached from the squeaky mattress I slept on. It was Friday and I knew I didn't have much todo at work. I genuinely hated my job, why did I put up with it? I had dreams, I had goal, and most of all I wanted to be someone in life, but did that happen? No. Stupid politicians. But most of all stupid John Mayor. I scrambled into my kitchen, pilgrimaging through the scarce cabinets for breakfast. I found a pack of crackers and some orange juice in the fridge. I really needed to go to the store. I finished eating after scrolling through the news on my phone. I kept seeing more and more political campaigns everyday and just wanted to throw my phone a wall. I let out an exasperated sigh and sat the phone down, getting up to get ready. I put on a flowing dress, tan ankle boots, pinned my hair back, and applied light makeup. I looked in the mirror and felt like the ensemble was missing something. I stared at my closet and found a brown floppy hat. It looked ten times better and complete. I grabbed my tan fringe purse, phone, and keys, heading out the door. I stopped by the mail room and gathered my mail. Bills,bills, bills, and more bills, but the last piece was different. It was a letter from Vogue magazine headquarters in New York. I stuffed the other letters in my bag and opened the abnormal letter.
Dear Miss. Belle Carter, The people here at Vogue have received word of your talent in lifestyle, fashion, and writing. We would love for you to join our team, here at the Vogue headquarters in New York.

The letter trailed on. I couldn't believe that vogue actually wanted me to work at their magazine. It was a dream come true, but I was soon shot down from cloud nine. Reality. I couldn't just up and leave my home and dad. I couldn't stand to think about it anymore. I drove to my office and unpacked my items, getting situated. I scavengers through the bills, checking balances and making payments. The Vogue letter appeared again and I picked up my work phone. I dialed the number at the bottom of the page. The phone rang a few times before it was picked up.

"Hello, this is Vogue, how may I help you." A peppy sounding girl answered.

"Uh, yes, I received a letter from an Bethany Grey. She wrote to me about a job offer." I explained while playing with some paper clips I found in my desk.

"Oh, yes ma'am! This is Belle Carter right? She told me to expect your call." She laughed. "I'll transfer you directly to her." She ended the call on her end and then it rang again.

"Hello? This is Bethany Grey." The monotoned voice spoke. I was afraid to speak. She sounded like she might be mean.

"I'm Belle Carter. You sent me a-" She cut me off with a screeching giggle of joy. I had to remove the phone from ear, it was at such a high frequency.

"Oh darling! I've been waiting for this call for nearly two weeks. We would love for you to come in and join us." She spoke happily, the previously monotoned voice gone.

"Oh ma'am, see the thing is, is um....... I wasn't sure I could accept....." I trailed off, unnerved.

"Well why not, dear?" I could hear the frown in her voice. I felt bad for having such a once in a lifetime opportunity and I couldn't even take it.

"I'll just give you a short story. My dad is in a nursing home and I can't leave him, basically, no one else can take care of him." I dead panned. I threw my head back in exasperation. That phone call was stressing me out.

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