Chapter five

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'Star Wars, yup! That movie was the bomb.' I rolled over in my bed and began to stretch. I slowly opened my eyes in realization that my bed was not that comfortable. I bolted upright and examined the room. It was probably as big as my apartment and the bed was 5x the size of mine. Not mention comfortable. I looked down at my clothes to check and make sure I didn't create any funny business last night. I looked on the bedside table and read a note left that was addressed to me.
Dear Belle, I had a meeting with John this morning. I'm sorry I couldn't be there to see you once you woke up. You fell asleep on the couch so I brought up here to sleep. Make yourself at home.
Have a great day, Bradley.

On the bright side, no funny business. I felt awkward being in his home, alone. I did want to check out his bathroom. I walked into the marbled room with awe. It was so luxurious and modern. I quickly got a shower and then changed back into my clothes. I managed to find my way back to the kitchen and saw Ms. Amelia cleaning.
"Oh darling! You startled me." She jumped in surprise. I smiled in ease.
"I'm sorry. I didn't know you were here. I'm just going to call a cab and head home so I can get to work." I eased towards to the door.
"Don't be silly, Mr. Bradley has asked James to take you. He should be outside. It was nice to meet you." She hugged me whole heartedly. To bad I didn't plan on coming back. I trudged out the door and to the Mercedes outside. I got in  and informed the man where I needed to go.

I got home and went inside to get ready. I put on a pink sweater with a black, embellished skirt and black booties. I grabbed a protein bar and headed to work. I didn't have much to do except a few open houses and some paperwork , so at 4 I left. I headed to the nursing home to visit my dad.

I walked in and saw Lacey, the head office manger , who greeted me with a smile. I walked back to the back hallway and found myself at my fathers door. I knocked and came in. He was sitting in a recliner staring blankly at the tv. I bent over him to give him a hug.
"Hey, daddy." I smiled. "You feeling any better?" I grabbed his hand and rubbed it back and forth gently. I reached in my purse to pull out a orange juice, that's all he drank all the time. I can't bring him much since they have him on a strict diet. I sat it on the table and then moved onto the couch. I glanced at the modern finished room accented with photos of all of us as a family, a quilt on his bed my mom made years ago, and his bookshelf full of books. My father might not have been able to speak but he sure could read. He was smart he just couldn't voice it. He read all the days long.
"I bought that new Stephen King book, dad. I remember you used to read them all the time. I haven't had a chance to read it yet, but I'll let you know how I like it." I smiled over at him. He gave me a smile and turned back to the tv. I sat in his company for a while and was getting up to leave when a knock came on the door.
"I'm about to leave, sorry." I spoke to whom I assumed was a nurse. I looked over my shoulder to see Bradley standing in the doorway. "What are you doing here?" I asked shocked. He slowly came in and shyly smiled.
"Well, I went by your office and they told me you would probably be here, and I had something to give you." He shrugged. My dad looked over at him and glared.
"Daddy, don't worry. It's a long story. This is Bradley Mayor, and I will explain when I come by on Thursday, okay?" He softened his gaze and turned back. I gave him a hug and ushered Bradley out of the room.
"I didn't know you father was that bad." He spoke guilty, not that it was Bradley's fault. It was his "dads".
"I mean, he's been worse, today was a good day. Sometimes he doesn't even know I'm there. But today he interacted. It's the most emotion I've seen in a while." I smiled as we walked past the front desk.
"Bye, Miss. Belle." Lacey told me as I waved. We walked outside.
"I have something to give you, but you can't open it until I'm gone." He pulled out a red velvet box, sitting it in my hands. I was about to open it out of reflex, but Bradley slapped my hands. "I said don't open it yet!" He scolded. He also laid a smile note on top of the box. "Goodbye beautiful." He winked and scurried off to his car. I sat down on one of the rocking chairs and opened the note up.
Belle, you are extremely special so I am making your wishes come true. Your own millennium falcon.

I opened the box in awe to find a small silver circular millennium falcon with small diamonds encrusted on the top. I was shocked by the sweet gesture. He had actually listened to me when I was talking the night before. I put the necklace on in pure happiness. No guy had ever gave me a gift, besides my dad. That was so sweet.

I went home and laid on the couch, ordered take out from a Chinese restaurant, and watched mean girls. I had finished and my food and cracked my fortune cookie.

Your life will take a big turn around. Have fun.

'Strange.' I thought tossing the wrapper away.

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