alice pov
i woke up on the familiar soft cosy bed wait how did i get here ... oh crap now i remember i fell asleep in lou's arms he must of carried me back to the house. i had a shower and changed into a pair or dark blue jeans and a red longsleeved top i know i had done this earlyer on but my clothes where wet and smelly from the ally way i sat on my bed and looked out of the window.i could see the trees blowing in the breeze and small birds flying around them. lou then poked his head around the door with a smile on his face and then jumped on the bed, i smiled and then poked my tongue out at him, he then said " i was going to ask if you where alrite but i can tell you are ." i just said of cause im alrite i just woke up i smiled, i cant belive im here happily laughing i never thought i would be happy but i am i feel on top of the world. i poked him and he let out a quiet girly screem i laughed he then grabbed me and tickled me i couldnt stop laughing im so glad i finaly talked even if it was just to him. he then picked me up and span me around the room i was giggerling like a small kid this was so fun, he then plopped me down on the bed and said "so shall we go watch tv downstairs""shure i said " we walked down the stairs together but i didnt want to talk oh crap no i dont wana go silant again but i did lou saw i was nervouse so he sat down and pulled me onto his lap i snuggled into his chest as we started to watch toy story i have never seen it but it looked boring but i didnt care i was finaly loved and wanted by some one i could trust. the boys kept giving me and lou wierd looks as we had bonded and i think they were a bit jellouse i couldnt help it though he was just easy to talk to and didnt ask questions after the movie lou asked me if i enjoyed it i said "well it wasnt anything special but it was good" he laughed and picked up a carrot and randomly started chewing on it i smiled at him as he pretended to be a rabbit he can be so wird at times but hes the best
louis pov
she talked to me im so happy she finaly trusts me she started crying after she spoke she was calling her self stupid and idiotic i just put my hand on her shoulder but she fell into my chest crying after 5 mins she had tired herself out and was nearly asleep so i scooped her up, carryed her home and then put her on her bed. later on i decided to check on her i poked my head in and saw she was awake so i went and sat on her bed she was alot happier she stuck her toung out at me then she jabbed me so i started tickeling her she was care free im glad shes happy after i finished spinning her around the room we decided to go watch tv with the others. when we reeched the bottom ali went all quite i sat on the sofa and pulled her onto my lap she then snuggled into my chest poor girl why wont she trust the others. after toy story finished she seemed verry quiet so i nibbled on a carrot and said i was a bunny she smiled. after 10 mins of talking to the boys and ali sat there liserning i asked her if she was hungry, she thought for a moment and then nodded her head so we headed off to the kitchen when we where out of the room i asked her "hun why wouldnt you talk to them", she just said "i dont know i want to but i cant im sorry" i could see she was getting upset so i picked her up placed her on the counter and gave her a big hug.i decided to spoil her so after lunch we are going to the shopping mall.

who adopted me (1D fanfic)
Fanfictionalice is a 14 year old who gets adopted by 1D but will her life be changed for the better follow her throught the goodtimes and bad times as they face life will she stay or brake away