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louis pov 

i hated seeing haz as sad as he was, he sat and cryed into me i hate seeing him cry. he was so worryed about sam , it was kinda cute to make him feel better i told him the three of us would go to the cinema and treat sam so she can trust us and know she isnt alone.  i left haz at about 3 as he fell asleep on the sofa. i went to my room but befor i reached my door i decided to go check on sam, she was asleep in a small ball it was so cute but im a bit worried as i havnt realy talked to sam and i didnt know if she would trust me but she trusts harry so aslong as he is there it should be alright 

next morning 

harry pov 

i woke up at 9 to find my head on lou's lap and zayn and liam on the bean bags. i slowly sat up as liam said "finaly sleeping beauty awakes" i frowned and said "im gona get dressed" and lou followed me up the stairs, i think he knew i was still upset we walked silantly untill we got upstairs. he then turned around and told me not to worry and everything will be fine then he gave me a massive hug that felt nice and safe. we broke apart and i said thanx mate and then we went our seprate ways.i went to sams room and to my suprise she was awake and dressed. i sat on the bed next to her and said "heya hun are you alright" she nodded and then hugged me.she looked upset so i told her me and lou where taking her to see a movie  she looked worried but smiled any way i then told her i was going to get changed and lou would come in and talk to her while i got reddy and then we would go downstairs for breackfast she nodded so i got lou and told him to sit with her then i jumped into the hot shower. 

sam pov 

i woke up at 8 and i could hear the boys walking about and going down stairs but then my bed room door creeked open and sadly zayn slid in,he sat down next to me on the bed and said "now sam you are going to be nice to me and like me as all the boys think that you love me and thats the reson you have been acting strange" i shoock my head but then he pressed his lips against mine then pulled back and laughed. as he walked out of the door he said "seeya soon babe" i didnt respond i just sat there and tried to block it out untill harry came in at 9 and told me i was going to see a movie with him and louis. i am a bit scared but i didnt want him to worry. 5 mins later louis came into the room and explaind that him and harry where taking me out so we could all have fun and forget about what has happend he also said he wanted to get to know me better, that made me realy happy but also sad for some reason. he sat on the bed and started asking me things like what music i liked and what games i liked to play. 

louis pov 

i went and spoke with sam as harry had asked as i would do anything for that guy he's my best mate and he is so cute when he beggs, wait did i just say that oh well. i sat down and asked her random questions that she answer in a small whisper, harry came into her room and told us to go get breackfast and then get sat in my car as i had to drive because haz was rubbish and normaly ends up getting pulled over by the police. we all walked down stairs and got our breckie i had left over waffles and cream, haz had toast and sam had an apple, gawd she was healthy. when we got in the car we talked about what movie we would see. harry wanted a cartoon and sam wanted somthing funny so we decided to watch dispicable me 1 and 2 the car ride was a quiet but nice one untill we got to the cinimar sam gasped and harry screamed im home baby befor ripping off his and sams seat belt and running towards the cinimar and then into our private small cininar. haz got three massive boxes of popcorn and i got us each a drink of coke ,then we went and sat right in the middle of the room on soft leather chairs. sam sat quitley and watched the move as harry sat and laughed at all of it. half way through he was laughing so hard he knocked all his popcorn on the floor. i felt a hand slowly slide into my popcorn, i looked over to see harry was stealing mine " hey this is mine you droped yours" he laughed and said " but boo you have hardly eaten any so im just helping you out , you love me realy". im glad we where in a dark room as i could feel myself blushing like crazy. after the movie we all got into the car and sat there talking for a whil. harry asked sam if she enjoyed  wich she did and then he told her we where going out for dinner as we needed to talk to her. she said she loved the film but just nodded when he said we had to talk with her , i could see the hint of fear in her eyes it was upsetting to see.

sam pov 

we all climbed out of the car as it stopped outside of a fastfood place we walked in and orderd our food, i orderd a salad and a glass of water while louis and haz had a burger and chips they then started talking." sam hun we need to as what is going on between you and zayn do you think you can tell us" louis asked so i answerd the best i could " n..nothing is going on between us ...b...but h...he scares me." i didnt notice i was actualy crying untill harry sat me on his lap and rocked me like a small child, i hugged him untill i couldnt cry any more then harry asked "why does he scare you so much hun can you tell us" she just shook her head and looked down to the floor. then louis gave her a hug and said dont worry about him darlin your safe with me and haz , we will protect you and make shure you are safe and happy" i smiled and noded my head. then harry said "thats our beautiful little princess" i laughed and said " if im both of yours little princess you are the mummy and lou lou is daddy" harry went red and said "  i swear im not gay like that sorry boo" lou then made crying noises aand said " oh so dont you love me any more" in a sad sarcastic tone with that harry gave him a massive hug and said " im sorry boo i will always love you we are larry after all" i bean to laugh , the two of them where so funny and cute together. we ate our food and got back into the car as it was now 4 we drove home listning to random music. when we got in zayn lam and niall where down stairs sat on the sofa so i decided to avoid them by going upstairs to my room where i sat and wrote in my new diary about the whole day, i hope i ill have more days like this as i love both haz and lou as big brothers and i also think the two of them would make such a cute couple and i can tell theyt love eachother and care for one another, then we could be a little family. oh who am i kidding i will never have a normal way of living, im adopted by 5 guys who just happen to be one direction and  im fucking scared or 3 out of 5 of them i wish i could be normal. 

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------heya plz comment what you think and i need idears and advice as i duno if i should put larry moments in or not as i think this story is a bit boring so if u have any idears to make it better just comment please :)  

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