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sam pov 

shortly after lunch we left the fun fair and went to the field next to it to put up the tent. this was going to be fun as the two  of them didnt know how to put a tent up.nall pulled the tent out of the bag and liam collected the tent pegs and poles. i sat on the grass laughing at the idiots trying to put the tent up, they kept twisting it and pushing then shoveing and pulling for about 10 mins then i got up and showed them how it was done as i had done it a few times for the kids in the care homeout in the small garden. as i put the tent up the look of shock was on the boys face's. when i was finished nall ran up to me picked me up and span me around and said " omg sam your amazing" i just laughed and said its not rocket siance. i love thease two they are funny and i think i can trust them. now the tent was up we started getting our beds sorted. there  where two sleeping compartments in the tent one for me and one for the two boys. i thought we would be sleeping on the floor but i was wrong as liam pulled two double air beds out of the car with pumps. i pumped the air beds up whilst  liam and nial got all the bags out of the car. when the beds where done we decorated the inside of the tent  it was naills idear. we put a lamp and sofa cushens in the middle for a mini living room we sprinkled glitter on top of the tent and put paper snowflakes on the inside. it looked magical liam rolled his eyes and said we would have to clean it up tomorrow but i didnt care im going to have fun.

niall pov 

wow sam actualy put the tent up, i thought it was inposible she is amazing but she hasnt said alot so tonight im going to find out about her. she pumped both beds up , she looked so grown up but shes 14 she needs to be laughing and messing around like us boys do so i told her we where going to decorate the tent she smiled. we put glitter and paper snowflakes every where she was laughing her head off. i text harry and told him how she was doing and he texted back good to know shes happy just to let you know zayn aint up for drinking so he is bringing a popup ten and is joining you guys please warn sam and be there for her. i smiled and walked into the tent to tell her 

sam pov 

no he cant be , nial came into the tent and told me that zayn was coming up to join in our camp out , i didnt tell him this but i was scared what if zayn hurts me but i just said ok . im pathetic is ok all i can say. i sat listning to music with the two boys when we herd a car pul up and out jumped zayn and his friend paul. i froze i know him it cant be ....thats dad no it cant be i sat as still as i could and zayn came towards me and hugged me as tight as he could and whisperd my friend knows you and wants his little sweetie back. a lump foarmed in my throat and i i began  shaking  he cant do this not him. the boys decided we would all sit in the middle of  our tent and play truth or dare i couldnt move so i joind in the game. thankfully niall and liam saw that i was shaking and sat next to me and gave me a big hug. they asked what was wrong. i couldnt help it , a tear ran down my cheek and then i started crying harder. they tried to comfort me by telling me i was safe but i knew i wasnt. in the end naill text harry saying heya m8 sorry to stop the party but sam is here with me liam zayn and paul but as soon as zayn and paul came she began shaking and crying can you help. within a min harry had replyed saying tell her im on my way and everything will be alrite.

liam pov 

i was hoping to enjoy the campout with nall and sam but then zayn came with his friend and for some reson sam started crying and shaking so now harry is coming out to settle her this is getting stupid why wonnt she calm down with us i think harry knows more about her than he lets on. paul and zayn sat across from hr and they where whispering with eachother i had only met paul once but i didnt like him and i still dont. 

harry pov 

omg i couldnt have fun i just kept worrying about sam and i was rite to as niall text saying she was crying  and they couldnt calm her down. i bet its to do with zayn that ass i got in a cab and within 5 mins i was rushjing across the field to her.

sam pov 

i couldnt  help paniking but then i saw harry walking up to the tent , i got up and ran to him he opend his arms and i huged him as tight as i could. he picked me up and we went to my side of the tent and zipped up the flap so no one could see or hear us. i was still crying but he looked me in the face and said whats up hunnie. i burst out crying zayn said he knew dad. i didnt belive him but now the horrid thing has come true ,him out there he....he...he's my dad  i began crying harder and shaking more he just pulled me close and said dont worry i here now i wont let him get you i promise your safe here with me. i hugged him for about 10 mins befor i calmed down he then layed me down and started to unzip the tent i then said no ... please dont leave me alone, he stroked my hair and said go to sleep princess ill be back in 20 mins but i couldnt sleep as i could hear every one laughing and singing. then 10 mins later a person came through to my side and climbed in i sat huddled in the corner as it was zayn he grabbed my arm and squeezed me, then said you little bitch you will pay for every thing  so paul will come back and so will i he slaped me around the face and punched me in the stomach and then left. i curled up in a ball crying thats all i could do. i hope harry comes back quickly.

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