new beginning

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1 week later

louis pov 

its been a whole week since alice got sent back to that awful place, im starting to get  over her but i still sleep in her room on her bed  and text her every 2 days but she dosnt say alot and i cant get her back so im trying to forget her i dont want to but  later on we are going back to that verry same carehome to adopt  another kid , i have been putting ali's things away all her clothes got put in the atick and her makeup got thrown out and her walls painted white, i hope i enjoy having the new kid around i hope we can be friends but it wont be the same as ali gawd i do miss her.

alice pov 

the last week has been worse than  hell jan made shure of that. i have been starved for 3 days , she constantly scares me and hurts me and leaves me crying in the corner of my room. i have texted lou but i dont want him to worrie about me so our texts are getting shorter and shoter by the day. 2 days ago was the end of terror though as a new member of staff walked into my room when i was getting beaten she was so shocked  and went to call the police , i had to be questiond by the police and a doctor checked me over and then i had to change my identaty. i am now sam. they chose the name not me , i have green eyes (i have to wear colourd contacts) and i have black hair with red highlights. i dont look anything like the real me it feels horrid. the new owner is alot nicer her name is carrie and she truly does care about us. im still verry quiet and that wont change i am now sam no trace of alice is left. sadly i had to get rid of my phone aswell my last text to lou was i have to get rid of my phone please forget about me and live your life. now today i find out the same onedirection is coming back to the carehome for another kid . they have shortlisted 3 profiles and guess what im one of them. how could they, they hate me are they that stupid  but i have to do it. i know i dont get a 2nd chance but i would do it just to see that lou is alrite.

liam pov 

we pulled up at the kidshome and pressed the old black bell, a lady we hadnt seen befor came to the door. "hello we are here to see the owner about adopting" the lady smiled and said well your looking at her im the new owner nice to meet you i have seated your three choices in the office  follow me. we all followed her into a brightly colourd office. there where our 3 choices annie , molly and sam. we all talked to molly first, she was wearing all black and had lots of pircings she was a big emo  we didnt like the look of her and management wouldnt aprove so we moved on to annie who let out a big fan firl screem and said "omg pick me  im the best in this room and im just what you need im beautiful and talanted no one else is better than me  " the boys started laughing and she looked angry. then finaly we walked up to sam, she was sitting on the chair with her head looking at the floor. i bent down and said " heya im liam and we are looking to adopt " she didnt look up but whisperd hello sir i am sam. i looked at carrie and she told me to follow her into the corriedoor. she then explained that sam has been through a lot in her life and had to change her identaty reacantly because she was abused by the previouse owner   i didnt realy think owt of it as i dont care what her past was like as we want to care for someone nice and give them the start to life  that they deserve.

harry pov 

sams the one shes perfect  a little shy but aparantly she is ushaly loud shes going to be so much fun, she will be way better than alice. liam went to sign the papers and the rest of us went with sam to help her pack. we walked up the stairs and enterd a familiar room this used to be alices and it looks the same. i didnt bother pointing it out as the boys noticed. we packed her stuff wich wasnt alot and she had a diffrent style to alice as sam was a bit of a goth and every thing was black. i wonder what actualy happend to her we dont know alot about her.i then noticed a scrunched up diary in the bin and instantly rememberd it was alices i picked it out and said "um sam whats this" she looked at it then took it off of me and put it out of the window. somthing is up with her but i have no clue what but i will find out sooner or later.

sam pov 

omg one direction want me .....again and i have to go how will i cope i dont think i will but i have to go. i can tell harry is suspisious as he saw the diary but the rest of the boys where too buisy to notice. they packed my stuff and took me to the car. now i just have to suvive the car ride to their house.

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