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A/N this is a new story I'm working on and I did have it on here before but someone deleted it =( Sorry for the slow start but I felt like i needed to give you guys a bit of a background on Fi. Please comment/vote/fan/recommend to others if you want me to keep writing this. Also this is the FIRST draft of it so of course it's going to have a lot of flaws concerning plot and length of certain scenes.

© Copyright 2011 StarlightHaven All rights resevered

COPYRIGHT: All my works, including ‘Forgotten Remembrance’ are copyrighted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. This includes all chapters, prologues/epilogues and associated content. Any unauthorised copying, broadcasting, manipulation, distribution or selling of this work constitutes as an infringement of copyright. Any infringement of this copyright is punishable by law.



How do I put this?

Well, you know that girl who always seemed to blend into her background? The one that you knew but at the same time she was a complete stranger? Yeah? Well, that was me. It still is me. All these years and I’m still the outsider.  I always knew I was the odd one out, even from a young age. I was still in primary when I started to realise that no one really noticed me. They saw me without really seeing me. I began to recognise the patterns we would fall into.

 They would start some small talk, make a few promises that never came through, but were made with good intentions and then they would move on – as if I had just disappeared into thin air. We could be talking in a group or it was just the two of us and still they would go their own way leaving me in the dust right in the middle of something I was saying. They would turn and give their attention to someone else that was sitting nearby or had just walked into the room, even though I was still there. It made me wonder how I could trust them. Did they really care about the things I was opening up about or were they merely curious?

Nothing I ever did changed this; it was the one constant in my life. While the world around me changed I was never anything more nor was I anything less than an outsider. Sometimes this was a good thing, I could go about my own way, and I could chase my dreams – whatever they were at the time. The pros never outweighed the cons, no matter how many positive things I found about being the outsider there were always twice as many negatives.

I know I’m not the only person who feels like this. There’s another girl in my class who is kind of similar but I can’t tell if she is choosing to be an outsider or if she’s been pushed out like I have. I’ve learned to live with it, learned that it’s not always or ever going to be about me. There will always be someone or something else out there with a bigger issue to take the spotlight. What am I compared to the millions living in poverty? My issues are so minor compared to theirs, what right have I got to complain when I have access to an education while there are countless who don’t?

Even my teachers will ignore me. I could be the only person with their hand up to ask a question or to offer an idea because, they’ve asked me to speak more but they’ll ignore my hand and move on to someone else. For a little bit in the beginning they’ll pay attention to me, just for a bit. And then they’ll realise that Hey, this girl is capable of figuring it out herself. She doesn’t need to be told exact, specific instructions 4x and then just like that,

I’m forgotten.

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