Chapter one - And so it begins

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© Copyright 2011 StarlightHaven All rights resevered

COPYRIGHT: All my works, including ‘Forgotten Remembrance’ are copyrighted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. This includes all chapters, prologues/epilogues and associated content. Any unauthorised copying, broadcasting, manipulation, distribution or selling of this work constitutes as an infringement of copyright. Any infringement of this copyright is punishable by law.


Chapter 1

Wednesday, May 5th

I pushed my way through the corridors and made my way to class. To me it was just another day but to everyone else it was the day Skylar was back in town.

I suppose before we go anywhere I better give you the basics on Skylar. If I remember correctly he was born Christopher Skylar in Wellington, New Zealand. He was a typical blonde haired teenage boy with blue eyes. According to the media his hairstyle was the ‘messy on purpose’ look that could take hours to perfect, but according to me he was just another international disgrace-of-a-superstar. To sum up our history, after he became famous everyone who used to ignore him started begging to just say ‘Hi’ to him. He left everything he ever knew and flew out to a whole new world. A world where apparently I wasn’t welcomed. I suppose I better start from the beginning. My name is Genevieve but everyone calls me Fi. I’m half Russian and half English (or British, however you want to phrase it), I have long, dark hair and brown eyes. I’m turning 18 in June and nine months ago Christopher Skylar broke my heart.

I let out a sigh as I sank into my usual seat which is in the third row and pretty much in the middle. I normally sit in the third row in the seat closest to the windows except for English, I don’t know why though it’s not like it makes a difference. English was one of my favourite subjects and I loved how I always had it in either third or fifth period but today I just didn’t feel like it. I wanted to just curl up and hide until Skylar left again, who knows maybe if I’m lucky he won’t notice me at all. I pulled out Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet as well as my tattered copy of Dorian Gray. I don’t particularly like the book but I like the way it was written. I glanced around the classroom for a clock but I couldn’t find one. Dammit, this school never did have any clocks. Stupid budget cuts.

 Just as I had opened up Dorian Gray I heard a desk scraping against the carpet, using my peripheral vision I saw that it was Skylar. Argh! The nerve of him! I pretended not to notice that his desk was starting to overlap mine, instead I carried on reading as if nothing had happened. Someone sat next to me on my right and I glanced up. Lizzie – my best friend, who happens to have blonde hair and be a drama geek, was still sick and that was where she would sit. I found myself locking eyes with Tristan – one of the ‘rebels’ at Athena West High.

Tristan was good looking, I can’t deny that. Today he was wearing his signature black leather jacket, a white T-shirt and a pair of blue jeans. I could see his tan skin peeking out from the neckline of his T-shirt. He had short dark hair and a little bit of a fringe that sometimes got in the way of his eyes, which were a green almost turquoise colour that were set off by his tan skin.  Looking into them now sent a cluster of butterflies into frenzy, kind of like butterflies on steroids. There was something about them that made me wonder who we really are. Am I the chameleon that makes an effort to talk to people or am I just another anti-social persona? Is he the rebel he seems to be or the shy guy he reminds me of?

I blushed and turned back to my book but not before I saw Tristan smirk while stretching his legs out under his desk. Ever so slightly I looked at Skylar’s blue eyes through my hair and almost burst out laughing. His usually dismissive exterior was warped and changed to a glare with angered eyes as he sneered at me. I had to choke down my laughter and cover it up with a coughing fit. As I coughed I felt someone pat me on the back, I looked up and smiled gratefully at Tristan. The new English teacher walked in and for the first time the class fell silent.

To say the least, third period was definitely the best. 

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