Chapter three - A Venn diagram gone wrong

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A/N I'll try to update the cast as new characters are being introduced, if you want to just imagine them yourself then don't look at the cast list Comment/Vote/Recommend :)  

© Copyright 2011 StarlightHaven All rights resevered

COPYRIGHT: All my works, including ‘Forgotten Remembrance’ are copyrighted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. This includes all chapters, prologues/epilogues and associated content. Any unauthorised copying, broadcasting, manipulation, distribution or selling of this work constitutes as an infringement of copyright. Any infringement of this copyright is punishable by law.


Chapter 3

Let me just explain to you how we all somehow get along with everyone in the Year group and we do have a pretty big school, there’s probably at least a thousand students here. The common room is divided into five different sections. In the bottom left you have the study area that is until we have exams because then the whole common room is a study area, in the top left you have the athletes, and the whole right hand side is for music, dance and art students.

However the music and dance usually stay in the top right hand corner which then gives art students like me lots of room, we even have a few shelves built into the wall for our art projects. Oh, and then you have the centre of the room which is just a general hang out area and strangely enough it’s the only place where we actually eat. It’s actually pretty comfortable in here I mean there’s a coffee table and a few sofas in the middle and there’s a microwave where the study area is, you could probably have a class sleepover in here. Hey, that’s not such a bad idea.

We’re not separated as much as I made it seem, we’re friendly bunch of people (most of us, anyway) so we like to just go up and see how everyone is doing. If they need a second opinion or aren’t strong enough to carry something then we’ll help them out. We do have a lot of people in our year group but well, it’s encouraged to make new friends and honestly, having those connections could come in handy someday.

I pulled out an easel and some supplies. As I was setting up I realised that I was in a really good mood. I don’t know how to explain it. It was almost like I was carrying this huge load on my shoulders and then all of a sudden, it disappeared. I smiled in wonder and started to paint. Whenever I paint I never know what I’m creating, it’s always a mystery to me as much as it is for people watching, sometimes even more.

I believe that the best art is created in the subconscious and that’s where we’ll find most of our breakthroughs. I don’t mind not knowing what I’m creating because I’ve always accepted that it was just part of the process and I didn’t see any reason to change something that clearly worked for me. But, if I’m doing still life or a portrait, you know something that requires me to focus and only paint what I can see then it’s an entirely different situation. The outcome is still a pretty picture but it’s just not the way I like to work, especially when I’m venting.

I was lost in thought thinking about the day ahead of me and how I would approach it. I mean should I tell Tristan that I know or just let it be? Argh, it’s so confusing! Why would he change himself like that? I don’t understand. Is the Tristan I know even still in there? I know, I know I shouldn’t think about it because people change all the time but I can’t help it. Why didn’t we go any further than ‘just friends’? I used to think about it all the time but then I never heard from him and I never realised they were the same person. Shapes began to appear on the canvas and I could just make out the shapes of a pair of oval shapes that I guess will turn into eyes. I hadn’t painted much, they actually look like tan skin coloured ovals. I stopped for a moment and glanced at my watch, it read 8:40am.

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