Chapter 14 part 1

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Unknown person's P.O.V***

My plan worked the royal plane crashed. It was a good idea changing the motor  it worked, i just need Maxon to survive so he could be all mine. Kriss is dead, America might be too, she's the reason Maxon heald a selection he was looking for her, that's why i had to killed the queen and now America. 

"My lady the plane landed 30 minutes away from the French palace" says my helper.

 "Thank you for helping me i will pay you extra"i say. He smiles.

 "Anything for you princess"he says. I walk into the palace.

"Bring Celeste to my room"i order a maid. I go to my room and 2 minutes later guards push Celeste into my room. She is all covered in dirt her hair is messed up,clothes ripped, i captured her 2 months ago i want to make every selected girl suffer. I hit her every single day, i made every single of the selected girls i captured get raped by a special someone.

 "What do you want now bitch"she spit standing up. 

"Nothing i just want to torture someone you had a chance to have maxon but you ruined it, i would have fight harder to win his heart if i had the chance, but i couldn't because of that stupid competition!",i say getting angrier.

 "How is that my fault im sorry im nice, beautiful, respectful, instead of being a bitch like you, being a spoiled little brat! For your fault i get raped every single day i can't go home"she yells. I had enough i slap her across the face.

 "For this your going to pay"i say smirking. She looks frightened. I call for a maid, "Bring Christopher" i order. A guard takes he away. 

"Have fun with her Christopher" i say as he passes down the hall smirking. I knew he would be a good helper.

The first person to guess the unknown person will get a dedicated chapter!

Another update.Yay! Sorry for not updating sooner but i had things to do and finally im free which means more updates. There will be 2 or 3 parts for chapter 15. I will update tommorow i promise.***

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