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So right now we are in the TARDIS thing that I think stands for Time And Relatives Doomed In Space i don't know I can't remember.

"Oh my god it's curfew time, it's nice meeting you Doctor, but it's time to go." Hermione smiles at him.
"Alright then, big day tomorrow? You three playing Quiddich, better to get some rest." He tells us, yeah we found out Leona plays Quiddich. I actually didn't know that about her.

Leona runs up to The Doctor basically suffocating him. "Can't - Breathe" he acts, is letting out a little laugh. "See you later" she skips out of the TARDIS, also saying a goodbye to the machine..

"Nice meeting you" Harry dismisses, The Doctor soon responding "You too, didn't think I would run Ito you someday"
"We'll see you later then, bye" Ron is basically being dragged out the door by Hermione. I soon notice that I haven't said a goodbye, haha I'm so nice.
"Oh sorry, ill see you another time"
"Bye for now then" I say walking out the doors of the TARDIS.
Then I couldn't hear him because I had shut the blue wooden door.

I catch up to the others, us all soon a the Gryffindor common room. "So this where we part, goodnight guys" Leona says before heading upstairs and into her room, us saying goodnight stinger as well.

"Let's head to bed then," Hermione yawns. Wow on cue girlll.

We're soon all in our dorms and one by one, got dressed and head to bed. I had a shower though. Ugh I'm so tired and all I really did today was stand around. Before we went to the TARDIS we had dinner, I don't think I mentioned that.

Anyway, I practically just fell asleep on the spot, some voices in the background I blocked off.

I awoke to a dim light, like a torch. I took a glance out the window above me to see a starry blue sky. A dark blue, that is. You could make out some clouds, but not many.

I heard a whisper from behind, holy don't tell me someone has come to kidnap us. My sister always told me, if you ever get robbed or whatever, just pretend your robbing the house too, then you make friends, I don't know the story goes on.

"I swear I never took the pizza, so don't k-" I was cut off. How dare this intruder cut off me. He ain't know who he's dealing with. Actually, I never looked at the person who had this light.
"Violet, you're awake?" The whisper whispered. Is that Harry? Either him or a duplicate. "What the heck are you still doing up?" I look behind me, squinting my eyes a little. "Could say the same with you"
"I just woke up, what are you doing?"
"Oh then why is there a not a book there it's a piece of paper. Oh don't tell me you're gonna order this pizza without me."
"No," he laughs "I can trust you right?"
"Come look, it's a map of Hogwarts."
I get out of my bed and walk towards Harrys bed. "Is that Professor Snape? What the hell do they do around here at night."
"I usually think the same thing"
"Where did you get this?"
"I got it off Ron's brothers, Fred and Gorge, they got it off a teacher,"
"Which one?"
"He's gone now though, his name was Professor Lupin. Used to teach Defence Against The Dark Arts, they seem to change teachers every year."
"Not weird at all"
We looked at the map for a little, my eyes now adjusted to the lighting.
"Don't you have a Quiddich match tomorrow?" I ask,
"Um, yeah"
"You should get some sleep. And I should too, I can think properly when I'm tired."
"Ok, I'll see you in the morning"
"See you is the morning" I smile at him, he soon returning one.
"Goodnight" he finishes, saying that 'Nox' thing to turn off the 'Lumos Light.'

I jump into bed, pulling the covers over my body and soon falling to sleep.

"Violet, wake up you're gonna be late!" Hermione wakes me, or warns me I don't know. I sit up while rubbing my eyes, soon adjusting to the light.

"What time is it?" I groan, I was kinda sore all over. Ugh I sometimes hate mornings. All I want to do is lay down and go back to sleep, my eyelids feel heavy on my eyes causing them to shut.

"It's 7:45, it's still your first week, start sleeping in on your second or something" she sighs.

"Egh fine I'll be up in a minute"
I'm gonna be up in about 12 hours.

"Last time you said that you never came, Violet just please get up"

"Ok you got me my plans are failed. I'll be forever sleepy."

"You're so dramatic"

"I try"

"Yeah, honestly get up you have breakfast soon. I'll be downstairs. Don't say I didn't warn you to get up"  she leaves the room. Hmph, the teachers can wait a little. It wouldn't hurt to have a five minute rest.....could it?

I don't think It could. I came in first for the getting-ready-for-school marathon.

I didn't just make that up. Ok, maybe I did, but moving on.

I slouch out of bed and basically drag myself to my suitcase. Why am I so tired anyway? Ugh, I don't care.

I get out my uniform and head to the bathroom to get dressed. Call me paranoid I don't care but I'm not gonna have anyone walk in on me while I'm in the middle of getting dressed. That would be just awkward. Especially if it was a guy.

I got dressed into my robes / uniform, took care of a few stuff and headed out to breakfast.

I'm bored. Where's Leona? Oh god if I bump into that pervert-invaded-mind of those 4 guys, well Liam isn't that bad. Why do people say he's a player anyways? I guess girls just dump him. But he's so good looking and kind, why would they? I don't like him or anything, he's more of a brother. Even though we hardly know each other but I don't care we still talk and etc.


sorry for the short chapter but I have a crap load of work to do and yeah enjoy.

Until next time amigos

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