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"Mmhm?" i turned my head to look at Lydia.

"Why didn't it go away like your lighten burg figures?" she trailed her soft fingers over de scar on my belly. i looked at it, when void and i had separated the wound wasn't gone. Melissa had stitched it up for me after the Nogitsune was gone.

" I don't know" i shrugged and turned on my side so i was facing her. She smiled at me.

" You have to promise me something"

" Yeah and what's that?" i smirked at her and she looked me dead serious in the eyes.

"Promise me you won't scare me like that, ever again" she sighed and looked at her hands. "Stiles..i thought you were dead. When you just collapsed on me in the tunnel at Oak Creek, i thought i lost you forever." i wanted to say something but i couldn't. " Remember when you said to me you would literally go out of your freaking mind if i died? Well, i thought i did to. I thought how am i supposed to live my life without you ,Stiles." Her voice went thick and i saw a tear slip down her cheek. " So you have to promise me that, Stiles." I gently pushed her chin up, so i was looking into her beautiful green eyes.

" I can't promise you something that means saving you Lydia" she frowned and looked back to her hand who was still tracing the scar.She didn't say anything for a while. "Lyds?" i was worried she didn't want to talk to me anymore. She looked at me with an expression i didn't understand, scared?


"What's wrong?"

"Stiles, you have to wake up" i don't understand i am awake.

"Lydia, what do you mean wake up. I am awake"

Her face went blank and that's when she screamed. " STILES!"


What happened? i remember talking to Scott and... oh yeah blacked out. Idiot.

"Stiles?" Yeah that's my name, haha funny. wait..who's talking?

"Stiles can you open your eyes for me?" i tried opening my eyes, why were they so heavy. Everything was blurry, i blinked to clear my vision but it didn't work very well. There was someone looking at me. I blinked again and she came more into view.


"Hey Idiot" She smiled at me. I love when she smiles. I tried to sit up but everything was spinning.

"Whoa easy there hot stuff" i could feel her holding me upright. I felt something wet and sticky on my head, i felt and i saw blood on my finger tips.

"That's w't s'said" haha, why's that so funny?

"Well your lame jokes are a good sign, but i'm still taking you to Melissa." Why would Scott's mom want to hear my joke? I don't know. I just want sleep, with Lydia. Yeah with Lyds, sounds great.

"Stiles! you have to stay awake for me okay?"


"Good, now we're gonna walk to my car alright. So we have to walk for a bit, understand?"

"m'not a baby Lyds" She chuckled.

"I know stiles, i know."



" Open your eyes"

"m'kay mom" I couldn't remember when we got in Lydia's car but i knew we were almost at Scott's home.

"How are you feeling? Dizzy, nauseas?" i looked at her and tried to smile.

"I'm fine, Lyds"

"Well i'll believe you when Melissa says the same" She stopped the car and turned it off. I got out of the car but i think i stood to fast, i grabbed the hood of the car for support. Everything was spinning again so i closed my eyes to stop my stomach from making flips. "Give me a sec" i said when i heard Lydia coming closer. I could feel her hand on my back and i sighed.

"Give a sign when your ready, okay?" i opened my eyes again and looked at her. i smiled and gave a small nod. "I called Melissa in the car so she's expecting us" i leaned on Lydia when we walked up to the door. Lydia opened the door with the key that i had made 2 years ago. I remember Mama Mccalls face when she found out i did that, hahah funny memory.

" Why are you laughing Stiles?" i looked up to see Melissa looking at me. I was sitting on the couch and Lydia was sitting next to me.

"Nothing, just remembering something" i wasn't feeling dizzy anymore and my head became clearer.

"Well, it's a good sign you not slurring your words anymore. Are you still feeling dizzy or maybe nauseas?" Melissa looked at me with her nurse face.

"No, i'm fine. My head hurts a little but that's it." I looked at Lydia and she looked at me confused.

"How's that possible?" Lydia said. I could see that Lydia was trying to find an explanation for this.

"I..I don't know" I look at my hands. First my anger, then my eyes that are turning blue out of nowhere and than this, an injury that just vanished.

What's happening to me?

Hey, so i hope you liked the new chapter. I'm sorry, it took longer than i thought to write this part because of school and more boring stuff but I hope you like it so far. :)))

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