Hospital Bells

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We quickly arrived at the hospital with doctors and nurses shouting words back at one another that I couldn't understand. Jack was pulled away from me into another room while two doctors held me back, trying their best to calm me down. My legs gave way as I fell to my knees in a sobbing mess. I clutched at my chest, trying to breathe as the image of Jack lying lifeless on the stage refused to leave my head. The doctors pulled me to my feet and guided me to a chair were one proceeded to help me control my breathing.

Once the doctors had calmed me down they ran off to help the others with Jack. It must really be serious. I sat with my knees up to my chest, staring straight ahead at the chipped plain white walls. My mind was running a million miles an hour to the point I didn't know what I was thinking about. However one think stuck. Jack's dead looking body. All the colour drained from his skin and his eyes glossed over. Was he dead? We're they just trying to make me feel better by saying he wasn't?

My head snapped up at the sound of a door opening. I watched as one of the doctors from earlier walked over and bent down in front of me. A small, sympathetic smile made its way to her face as she stretched out her hand for me to shake.

"My names Dr. Jardine. You're Alex, right?" She asked.

I nodded my head as I tightened my grip around my legs. This is it right? She's gonna say something like 'sorry for your loss' or 'we done our best but I'm afraid Jack passed away'. I squeezed my eyes shut, pushing back the tears. I counted to three before opening my eyes with a sniffle.

Dr. Jardine gave me that same smile again before speaking. "Mr Barakat has some serious ... illness ... We needed to rush him into surgery immediately. I'll come or get one of my colleagues to come see you once he's out to give you the news. Is there anyone with you?"

I shook my head. "No but our friends will be here soon."

She smiled and nodded. "I'll have someone come as soon as we know what's going on with Jack." And with that she stood up and left.

"What's wrong with him? You say he has an illness but what is it?" I shouted after her.

The doctor froze before turning to face me. "Alex ... I don't want to worry you anymore than you already are. I'll let you know when you're friends get here." She sighed, looking at the floor.

She spun back around on her heels before pushing open the door and quickly walking away. I sat there in silence, staring back at the wall. My mind reeling with the possibilities of what could have been wrong with Jack. After what felt like eternity but was only fifteen minutes; Rian, Zack and Matt came running through the door.

"Is he okay?"

"Where is he?"

"What's wrong with him? Do you know?"

The questions poured out their mouths like alcohol out a bottle at a party. I could barely form a word before they asked another. After a good five minutes of them bashing me for answers I cracked.


The three of them stared at me, their mouths hanging wide open. Obviously I had shocked them with my little out burst. I probably would have been too if I didn't have that lifeless image of my best friend stuck in my head, torturing me.

"H-he's not okay. He's in surgery and the doctor refused to tell me as I freaked out enough with them taking him away. I guess they didn't want to make me worse." I said, emotionlessly as I stared blankly ahead.

The three stood there in silence, all staring at me as if waiting for me to breakdown. But I had no more tears left to shed. I dropped my knees and rested my head in my hands with a sigh. I felt Rian and Zack sit on either side of me as Rian rubbed my shoulder.

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