Kids In The Dark

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"Alex hurry the fuck up, I wanna go outside!" Jack whined as I came running through from the bunk area, tossing my jacket on.

"Yeah, yeah, come on then." I chuckled as the two of us left the bus.

Jack had been discharged from the hospital after a week and we'd resumed to our little tour across the country. We were currently stopped in Denver, Colorado and Jack had decided he wanted to wander around a bit. We left the bus and wandered around the city. After going in and out a few shops and stopping for dinner be made our way back to the bus. We were about ten minutes away when Jack tugged on my arm.

"Can we go play in the park!" He asked, jumping up and down on the spot.

The sunlight was starting to dim as the streetlights light up the roads. Jack was pointing over to a small park that had benches, trees, shrubs, a large grassy area and a small playground I it. I smiled at the boy and nodded my head.

"Sure, why not." I said as Jack pulled on my arm, making his way over to the swings.

I sent Zack and Rian a quick text to let them know we were hanging at a park and would be back later. Me and Jack messed around for a while until he got a phone call. He walked over to a bench near by to asking the incoming call from his mom. While Jack was on the phone my mind started jumping into overdrive, Rian's works from the hospital echoed in my head. 'You need to tell him, Alex'. 'if he comes out of surgery alive you have to tell him'. I still hadn't told Jack how I felt and everyday it just got harder and harder for me to say anything. I need to tell him now!

Just then I was pulled out of my thoughts by a small splash of water hitting my nose. I looked up at the sky as it began to rain. Great, how I like being cold and wet. I stood up to see Jack making his way over to me. I took a deep breath as I braced myself to say the words I desperately needed to say before it's too late.

"Come on we better head back." I said, shoving my hands in the pockets of my red hoodie. "Jack I-"

Jack smirked at me as he strutted towards me. He cut me off, shoving my shoulder. "Tag, you're it!" He yelled running off in a random direction.

I rolled my eyes. "Oh no you didn't, Barakat!" I laughed running after him.

I was quickly catching up to the tall brown haired boy. I reached out to tag him but Jack managed to dodge me by quickly running around a tree. I slowed down trying to catch my breath. Damn I need to work out more.

"Jack I need to talk to you!" I shouted at him. Just then I noticed a piece of paper fall out of his back pocket.

"Jack wait up!" I called after him, picking up the piece of paper.

I opened it to see it was his bucket list. Inside there were various things that he wanted to do. Many were scored out as they'd been marked complete as others were left blank. I had remembered most of the list as I'd helped Jack make it to begin with. It was written in my neat handwriting. However, one of the wishes stuck out at me like a sore thumb. It was in a different colour of pen and was definitely not in my handwriting. It read; 'confess to Alex'.

Confess to me about what? What did he break now? Was he the reason my IPod 'mysteriously' went missing?

Just then Jack came up to my side. "Jack ... What's this?" I asked point to the bucket list.

"The bucket list, duh." He said rolling his eye, but he knew what I meant.

"No what do you mean by the last one?" I asked handing him the piece of paper. "What do you want to tell me?"

Jack's eyes widened. "I-I.." He stuttered.

By now the rain was pouring, drenching the both of us. Jack looked down at his shoes, refusing to look me in the eyes. I took a step forward and put my fingers under his chin, bringing his face up to look at mine.

"Jack, you can tell me anything." I whispered.

Jack looked all around my face, looking for some sort of answer or permission to do what he did next. Without hesitation Jack leant forward and crashed his lips to mine. I stood frozen like a statue trying to register what was going on. He's kissing me! Jack's kissing me! Jack was about to pull away when I grabbed the back of his neck, kissing him back. Jack smiled as he deepened the kiss as it became more needy and hungry. After a while we both pulled back for air as Jack stared into my eyes.

"I-I love you Alex. I have for a long time."

I stared at him in shock. No! This is a prank isn't it? Rian and Zack are gonna jump out with a video camera and there gonna send it to some funny video show and get money for my humiliation.

"Say something, Alex. Please?" Jack asked as I snapped out of my daze.

I hadn't realised how long I'd remained silent. "Y-you do?" I asked still in shock.

Someone pinch me! I must be dreaming!

Jack nodded his head taking a step forward and placing his hand on my waist. "I really do." He whispered as the rain drops ran down his face.

I grabbed his hands from my waist, linking our fingers together. "Well that's a relief because I love you too." I smiled up at him.

Jack grinned back as he gently pressed his lips to mine.

"We better get back to the bus before I get sick and you get worse." I said, interlocking our fingers.

"On one condition." Jack smirked.

I raised my eyebrow at him. "What?" I smiled.

"Be my boyfriend." He said, grabbing my chin with his free hand.

"And if I say no?" I playfully asked, mirroring his smirk.

"Then I'll wait here until you do."

I leant forward and pecked his lips. "Of course I will stupid. Now come on, Rian's already gonna have my head for us being drenched, I don't need him moaning at me for making you worse." I said, as we jogged off towards the bus, hand in hand, as the rain thrashed down harder.

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