Pocket Full Of Dreams

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"Come on slow coach!" Jack shouted out of breath behind him to me and Rian. 

The two of us were breathlessly following behind Jack and Zack as we walked up towards the Hollywood sign. Me and Rian were designated pack mules meaning we were carrying everyone's crap as Zack and Jack freely hiked up the hill. Zack of course was on Jack duty. He was responsible for keeping an eye on Jack and pushing him in his wheelchair if need be.

Walking up here was one of the things on Jack's bucket list. He wanted to physically touch the Hollywood sign. We'd been here a few times before but you were never allowed to touch the sign. It was surrounded by a metal fence to stop idiots like us doing so. And Jack being Jack, wouldn't let us talk to the guards about lets us go up for one of his last wishes, so instead, he decided we came in the evening to watch the sunset.

"Jack, are you sure you don't want one of us to push you the rest of the way up. This hike seriously can't be good for you. It's killing me and Rian as it is and were not the ill ones here." I asked, wiping the beads of sweat from my head, wrong day to wear a flannel. I was getting a little worried at the way he was breathing. I didn't want another hospital visit so soon.

"Yeah, we didn't bring the wheelchair for nothing." Rian said, taking a drink of water.

Jack stopped, turning to face me and Rian. "No I'm fine. I can go a bit more." He wheezed, doubling over to catch his breath.

I'll admit it was strange seeing Jack so weak and tired all the time. He was usually the one who never stopped jumping or running around. I shook my head at the boy.

"That's it! In the wheelchair, I'm pushing you!" Zack said turning around and stomping back over to us before shoving Jack into the wheelchair. "We'll be quicker anyway, we can beat these slow pokes." He joked pointing back at me and Rian as we clung to each other to stay upright.

A huge grin appeared on Jack's face. "Race you!" He shouted us. "Go Zack go!"

"Hey, No fair! Carry me, Alex." Rian said, pretending to faint.

He gently placing his head on my shoulder as clumsy and tired me, didn't watch my footing and tripped over some twig. Causing the both of us to fall to the ground. Zack and Jack turned and stood laughing their asses off at us before yelling at us to hurry up. Rian got to his feet, offering me his hand to pull me up. I gladly took it letting him pull me to my feet as we continued to walk a couple of metres behind them.

"So when are you gonna tell him?" Rian asked.

I looked at him confused. "Tell who what?" I asked.

Rian sighed dramatically. "When are you gonna tell Jack how you feel. God, guys these days!" He spoke in a girly tone causing me to chuckle. "No but seriously, dude, when are you gonna tell him how you feel?"

I sighed. "I don't know. When the time is right, I guess."

"Well, not trying to push you or anything but under the stars at the Hollywood sign would be romantic." Rian wiggled his eyebrows.

"Okay, okay, are you the gay one or am I?" I joked causing Rian to shove me.

"Come on Alex. You know it's true. Look, me and Zack will hang back or go a walk later and leave you to to chat. Just use protection."

"RIAN!" I yelled, pushing him in some random bush.

"ALEX!" He shouted back in the same tone.

We both glared at each other before bursting out laughing.

"Come on, they'll be waiting" Rian laughed as we sped up towards the other two.

We got to the top to see Jack and Zack sitting waiting on us. "What took you so long?" Jack chuckled.

"Hey you're not the one carrying shit and I'm lazy, leave me alone. You knew that from the last time we came up here." I laughed.

"Yeah cause I had to carry your fat ass down cause you fell asleep once you got to the top." Zack joked.

"Oh, shut up!" I said walking up to the fence, blushing while the others laughed.

"Are we going or not? The sun is gonna set in a few minutes." I said pulling at a broken piece of fence, creating a gap. Jack jumped out the wheelchair and made his way over to me, slipping through the gap I'd made.

"We'll stay here." Rian shouted over at us but not before sending me a wink.

I rolled my eyes at him as Jack whined. "Aww I thought you's all were coming."

"Well someone has to look after the stuff. Plus, you're gonna need someone to bail you out if you's get caught" Zack joked, also shooting a wink in my direction.

Goddammit, stop with the winking! Jack nodded at them before grabbing my hand and pulling me along. "Come on! The sun's almost setting!" He yelled.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm coming." I smiled as Jack continued to pull me towards the sign.

Seeing Jack happy was enough to make me smile. Although I didn't have much time left with him, it was nice to see him enjoying himself. His happiness always had and always will come before my own. Jack's smile mirrored mine as we reached the sign, catching the view of the sun setting over the crazy town as the streetlights began coming to life.

"Wow!" Was all Jack said as he looked out at the sky, his hand still in mine.

I smiled over at the younger boy before tugging on his hand. "Come one, you said you wanted to touch the sign."

He smiled over at me as we made our way over to the large 'L' sign. He reached forward and touched it as a massive grin appeared on his face. I smiled as I watched him beam at himself touching the sign. I walked over towards the first'O' and sat down in front of it and leaning back on my hands as I admired the city below. Jack soon came and sat beside me, resting his head on my shoulder.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" I softly spoke, still watching to view.

"Yeah, it really is something." Jack mutter beside me looking down at the ground.

I followed his gaze to see him looking at our hands that sat side by side. I felt a smile tug at the corner of my lips. I moved my hand over to his, linking our fingers together. I saw Jack blush, or it could have just been the lighting, as he beamed down at our hands. He moved his head back to rest on my shoulder. We sat there for some time, watching the sun disappear in the distance and the stars slowly creep out onto skyline. I felt Jack shiver beside me. I wrapped my arm around his waist and tightly pulled him closer to my side. I felt him hum beside me and he made himself comfortable and looked out into the night.

"I love you, Alex. You know that, right?" He asked from beside me.

I felt my heart flutter at those three stupid words. But I knew deep down he only meant it platonically. After all our relationship was strictly friends only.

"Yeah, I love you too buddy." I smiled but it didn't reach my eyes as I wished he'd meant it like I dreamed he did.

I love you more than you'll ever know. Just then Rian and Zack approached us, sitting down.

"Well aren't you two being all adorable." Rian cooed.

Jack sat up straight, chucking a rock at him. "Shut up Rian, who said you could join the party."

Zack looked over to me and raised an eyebrow, asking me if I'd told Jack. I shook my head mouthing 'not the right time'. Zack smiled as we all looked out towards the bright city lights. I felt Jack lean back on me and I instantly wrapped my arm around him. After a few minutes I felt Jack slowly entwine his fingers with mine. He closed his eyes with a sigh, resting his head in the crook of my neck. I kissed the top of his head as I watched the star dance in the night sky.

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