One Love

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Time had past and it was now December. December 14, my birthday to be exact. I know the boys had something up their sleeves by the smug knowing looks on their faces, even though I constantly told them I didn't want anything nor do anything for my birthday seeing as I had around two or so months left with Jack. I still hadn't and probably never would get my head around him leaving me, leaving us.

I was sprawled out on the couch in the back lounge when I smell it. The smell of burning. I sprang to my feet and ran through the to the small makeshift kitchen area at the front of the bus.

"Fuck!" I heard Jack shout as he pulled something out of the microwave that was on fire. Fire?! What the fuck were they doing through here?!

"Dammit Jack, you had one job!" Rian shouted, grabbing the flame engulfed objected off of Jack and throwing it outside.

Rian filled a jug with water as he ran outside to put out the small fire.

"What the fuck is going on?!" I yelled from the doorway.

"Jack spunk around with his eyes wide open. "N-nothing!" He said, pushing a box into the trash.

I raised my eyebrows at him as I walked over to the trash. I picked up the box. 'One minute cake-in-a-mug' it read. I inwardly shook my head at me.

"Oh really? You were doing nothing?" I said holding up the box.

Jack grabbed it, throwing it back in the trash. "It was supposed to be a surprise." He whined.

"Yeah I guess blowing up the bus would be a great surprise." I joked, rolling my eyes.

Jack shoved me. "Hey, I was trying to do something nice."

I smiled at the idiotic boy. "And I admire your effort." I said pecking his cheek.

Rian came back in with a wrecked looking mug. "Sorry Alex, we ruined your favourite mug."

I let out a chuckle. "It's cool, that not really my favourite."

"It's not?" Jack asked.

I rolled my eyes. "Do you really think I'd bring my favourite mug on tour. That shit's precious!" I smirked.

The boys laughed as Zack walked in the door.

"What did I miss? And why it the snow hissing and sizzling outside?"

"Ask Jack!" Me and Rian said in sync causing the four of us to laugh.

Rian and Zack soon retreated to the back of the bus to play some video games. I was about to head for my bunk when Jack tugged on my arm.

"Come on, put your shoes on. We're going out." He said.

I flung my head back with a groan. "Do I have to?" I whined causing Jack to giving me that knowing smirk he'd had on his face all week.

"Yes. Yes you do!" He said.

After a lot of me complaining and putting my shoes and a jacket on, we left. Jack laced his fingers with mine as we walked down the street of an unknown city. It was cold out as snow covered the ground. I'm glad I brought my leather jacket. The two of us walked for what felt like ours until Jack pulled me into a large park where couples were walking around and children where throwing snowballs at each other. Jack pulled me into a small forest in which I began to recognise. The two of us had wandering in here on tour once to get away from some crazy fans stalking us. We sat here for a few hours just messing around until Matt phoned us pissed off for leaving the venue.

Jack pulled me over to a familiar log. As we got to the log I realised there was a picnic set up with millions of cute little candles. Candles, the boy knows me so well. It's was a huge fire hazard but cute.

"I had Zack set this up while me and Rian tried to make you're cake." He smiled down at me.

"Jack I told you's not to bother. I was happy sitting in the bus with you." I chuckled.

Jack leant down, pressing his lips to mine. "Well I want to do something special." He said.

We sat and ate the food that Jack had informed me Zack made, one of the only trusted people in the kitchen. We laughed and joked around until the light started to dim.

"Come on. I have one last thing." Jack said, tugging on my hand. We walked through the forest until we came to the top of a hill that looked out above town. The view was amazing. I stood and watched the lights dance and flicker as the people below got in the festive spirit.

"Wow, this is amazing!" I whispered. "When did you find this place?" I asked Jack only to get no reply.

"Jack?" I asked, turning around.

And there he was. Smiling up at me as he knelt down on one knee with a small box in his hand. I felt my heart stop as my lungs forgot how to breathe. No way! This isn't happening? He's not doing what I think he is?

Jack grinned. "Alex, I know we've not been together that long but it feels like a lifetime. Probably because I've loved you so long but never admitted it. I really regret that now but we can't go back and change time. You're my best friend and always will be. Alex, will you do me the honour of ticking of that final wish on the list? Will you marry me?" He spoke, opening the small box that held a ring.

I felt like I was on cloud nine. I seriously hope this isn't a dream! I opened and closed my mouth like a goldfish as I tried to form the words. I smiled and nodded my head, giving up on the words as I pulled Jack to me by his t-shirt, smashing my lips to his. Jack smiled into the kiss before pulling back.

"I'm taking that as a yes?" He chuckled.

I nodded my head. "Yes! Of course I will."

Jack smiled as he pulled me down beside him, kissing me again.

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