Under A Paper Moon

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We were currently somewhere in the middle of nowhere. The year was coming to an end as it neared the end of Autumn. Leaves were falling of the trees and creating a beautiful masterpiece on the ground. October was always Jack's favourite month. We had all decided to stay in a cabin by a huge lake over night to get a decent shower and goodnight sleep before we moved on to the next city.

It was quite warm for this time of year, warmer than I expected. Jack was currently passed out on the couch and Rian and Zack had went to collect wood for the fire. I was left to entertain myself. Probably not Rian and Zack's best move. I'd probably burn the cabin down or something stupid like that.

I looked over at Jack to see him still asleep with a huge smile on his face. I bend down and kissed his forehead before sliding out the back door. I stood on the back porch, taking in the scenery in front of me. It was truly breathtaking. Grass led from the cabin to a small dock that rested on the magnificent lake that spread on for miles. This would really be something come nightfall.

Just then I here a groan coming from inside. I walked back in to see Rian and Zack laughing and shaking there head at Jack who had rolled off the couch and onto the floor. A small smile tugged at my lips. Still same old Jack. I walked over and helped Jack up before pulling him down on the couch with me. Jack snuggled into my chest as I threw the blanket he had over our legs. Zack tended to the fireplace as Rian went in the kitchen to get some food and wine.

We spent the night laughing and telling stupid stories from our past until one by one we started retreating to our beds.

"Okay bedtime mister." I said as I carried a not so conscious Jack up the stairs.

"But I don't wanna go to bed." He mumbled like the little kid he was.

I let out a chuckle as I pushed open our bedroom door with my butt. "Tough." I laughed.

After a lot of protesting Jack finally caved in and not long after, fell soundlessly asleep beside me. I however, was wide awake. My mind was reeling with unanswered question of what I'd do without Jack. I lay there for a few hours, tossing and turning until I finally gave up. I rolled over and picked up my phone to see it was 3am. I sighed wiping my hand over my face before getting up.

I chuckled my jeans back on and threw my hoodie on top. I quietly crept out the room, gently closing the door behind me with a soft click. I crept downstairs and walked into the small makeshift kitchen, grabbing myself a glass of water. I turned around and leant against the counter, taking a sip. My eyes landed on my acoustic guitar sitting on the couch. I thought about playing it for a moment before walking over to it. Might as well, not like I'm getting any sleep tonight.

I picked up the instrument, running my hands over the neck. It was my favourite guitar. Jack had bought me it while we were on tour somewhere and Colussy 'accidentally' broke mine. I say 'accidentally' because everyone was going on about how mine was literally about to fall to piece but I was adamant that I wasn't letting it go. I get attached, okay! Colussy took one for the team and 'dropped' it, causing it to break.

I didn't want to wake the others so I grabbed the guitar and my notebook off the table and walked outside. I walked across the grass and over to the dock were I sat down facing the water. I took a look around. I was right, it is amazing at night. I picked up my guitar and started storming a few random chords. After I had a few that sounded good together, I noted them down in my book along with a few lyrics. Soon I had a whole song. Well at least I done something productive tonight. I began to strum the opening chords as I began to sing along.

"Baby, don't yell
You're tearing a hole right through the walls
Of everything we used to know
I'm building a place, something amazing
Just for the sake of saving us
From under the sun
Two plastic hearts with nowhere to run
We're rolling the dice on whatever's left
'Cause God only knows that we could use the rest..." I trailed of strumming the guitar before continuing with the rest of the song.

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