Don't Leave Me

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It was cold, deathly cold. January had and forever will be my most hated month. Snow still littered the ground as black ice covered the roads. Icicles hung all round like daggers, waiting to stab into your heart, if your sadness hadn't done so already. We were back home in Baltimore, the tour had finished early. But unlike most tours, we never arrived home with smiles on our faces. We were all gathered in the cold January air, met with all our friends and family as we morned our best friend's death.

Jack had passed away a month earlier than scheduled causing a great deal of grief to us all. We still had plans, Jack didn't get to complete his bucket list. I looked down at the ring that still sat on my on my finger on my left hand. He may have proposed but we never got to tie the knot. The date was set for today. But instead of us smiling and it being the happiest day of our life, it had turned to the saddest.

"And now Jack's fiancé, Alex Gaskarth would like to say a few words.

Jack's mom, Joyce wept at the words 'Jack' and 'fiancé'. She had been rooting for us to get together since day one. She was so thrilled when she heard the news of us being engaged and soon to be married. But sadly that could never happen now. Not with my other half six feet under.

I stepped up to the small podium, clearing my throat. "Jack was and will always be my best friend. As many of you know Jack was diagnosed with cancer eleven months ago. Since then he created his bucket list with his final wish to tour America one last time." I paused as I looked over to Rian and Zack.

Zack was holding back tears as his arm rested on Rian's shoulder for support. Rian was balling his eyes out as he hugged a crying Cassadee to his chest.

I turned back around and continued with my speech. "Jack completed most of the list before his early passing but sadly he never finished the last part. Today was supposed to be a happy day, we were supposed to be our wedding. But sadly that day will never come. However, I know Jack well enough to know he wouldn't want us upset. Since day one of his diagnosis he constantly had a smile on his face. Even when he was scared. Even when he was in pain. Even in his final moments, he still kept smiling..." I trailed off as I a sob made it's way out of my throat.

I clutched the side of the podium as I covered my mouth with my hand. I closed my eyes, counting to three before speaking again.

"I will never love anymore more than I  love that boy. He was my other half. He brought out the better part of me. Constantly challenging and push me to do better. And now that he's gone ... I think a apart of me has to. But here's to Jack. He may be gone but he sure as heck will not be forgotten."

I walked off the stage to be engulf in a hug from both Joyce and Jack's sister May as the three of us cried. I looked up to catch eyes with Jack's dad and brother, Joe who shot me a sad smile as his dad mouthed a 'thank you'. I nodded as we all moved back to watch Jack's body get lowered into the ground.

I walked over and stood beside Rian, Cass and Zack. Cass turned from Rian's chest and pulling me into a hug.

"That was beautiful, Alex. Jack would be proud." She wept into my chest.

I pat her back, willing the tears back. I turned around to face the coffin with a sigh. I felt Rian and Zack grab ahold of my hands, giving them a squeeze as we watched our best friend being laid to rest. One of Jack's favourite songs began playing through the small stereo, pulling at my heart strings even more. This was supposed to be the song for our first dance. My grip on Zack and Rian's hands tightened as I held back my tears as one thought tumbled through my mind on repeat.

He's gone...

Don't You Go • Jalex Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now