More Trouble Than He's Worth

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I sit up in bed thinking about what Levi had said. I'm not sure how I'm supposed to help him with what he wanted. Straight A's on all of his assignments? That was something I'm sure I wouldn't be able to do.

What, do I call a teacher and tell them 'oh, I owe him a wish and he wants all A's. Please pass him in all his classes'.

No, because that's stupid.

The only thing I can think of, I'm not doing that. But, it might be the only way...

I'll just ask him in the morning. I hope he agrees that it's a bad idea as well.

I turn off my desk lamp and close my eyes as I drift into sleep.


At school the next morning, the moment I stepped foot into the building I was swarmed by Mikasa and Sasha.
"Eren! You didn't tell us your boyfriend was LEVI!!" Sasha squeals into my ear.

"Yeah! How did you even end up with him? He's the hottest guy at school." Mikasa says (way more nonchalant) right after.
"You have to introduce us to him."

But you already know his name and everything...

"Okay, sure." I say with a fake smile.
I find my seat and let out a long sigh.
It's going to be a long day.


"Foood."Sasha drawls out in a zombie like tone. All three of us walk side by side down the hallway to the cafeteria.
Reaching the doors, we walk into the busy lunch room and get in line, grabbing ourselves a tray.
I stand in the extremely long line waiting to get the school's provided lunch.

Snapping out of my daze of boredom, I turn around when I hear a familiar voice coming from a nearby table. Levi. I need to talk to him.

I give my tray to Sasha. "I'll be right back, hold this."

I walk over to Levi's table that all of his little(not really though) jock friends had gathered at. They were all laughing at some hilarious joke, but went silent when they saw me standing at their table.

"Um, Levi, can I talk to you? Alone?" Some of his friends start to snicker at him as he stands up out of his seat. We turn around to walk away from the table and I hear a few wolf whistles and cheers directed to us from his friends.

Levi turns around and flips them off with a smirk, but I tap his shoulder to get his attention.

"Listen, I need to tell you something."
"What is it?" He asks with a scowl plastered on his face.
"So you said you wanted A's in all your classes? Well the only way I can think of granting you that is"

Please say it's a bad idea, please say it.


"Are you bad of hearing or something? I said okay. You can tutor me, you are smart right? I'll be at your place at 5:30."
"Wait, but I-" I stop talking when it's obvious that he's not listening. He walks back to his table and starts chatting with his friends once more.

What did I just get myself into?

I trudge my way back to the lunch line and grab my tray from Sasha.

"What happened?" She asked.

"He wants to come to my house but-"
"Say yes!" Mikasa and Sasha both say.

"Well, he didn't leave me a choice, so he already is."

They both laugh playfully. "Ah, boys. You gotta love 'em."

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