With a Side of Jealosy

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What the hell is he doing here?

I was currently sitting in a booth seat in the back corner of one of my favorite cafes. Sure my friends Erwin and Hanji were with me, but that didn't stop me from noticing Eren as he walked in through the front door.

"-this huge bird! It just fell on top of me and-" I shoot a deadly look in Hanji's direction and she pauses with whatever she was saying, half out of her seat with her hands in the air from explaining her story. "Can you shut up?" I snap at her. She sits back down in her seat and stairs at me with wide eyes. Taking a sip of her coffee she smiles again and turns to Erwin, starting her story again, but now whispering it.

I tear my gaze away from the two across from me and slightly lean out of my seat to watch as Eren orders...2 drinks? Suddenly, a blond kid walks up next to him laughing and Eren smiles down at him.

The fuck...?

I watch with a frown as Eren laughs and throws an arm around the blond next to him as he pays for the drinks.

Is he...on a date?

I never thought I'd see the day when Eren finally got a boyfriend. In all the years I've known him I'd always thought that maybe we...no. Never. He's probably still mad at me and I've long since gotten over him.

"-vi! Levi! Leeeevviiiiiii~"

Blinking a few times I sit back straight in my seat and turn to look at Hanji who was reaching across the table to poke at my arm. Slapping her hand away I cross my arms with a huff.

"What were you looking at Levi?" Erwin says with a knowing look. Tch.

That's one thing I hate about bushy eyebrows. He always has that expression that screams 'I'm professional' or 'I know something you don't'. And guess what expression was on his face now.

"Yeah!! What are you staring at Levi?! You looked pretty angry." She smiles at me, adjusting the glasses resting on her nose and turns around to search for what I was looking at. She lets out a gasp. "It was him wasn't it!! The brunette? Doesn't he go to our school?!" She squeals getting up on her knees to look over the booth and get a better look.

"Get down!" I say through gritted teeth. "He's going to see you!" She ignores me and stays in her position scoping out the bright eyed boy. She suddenly breaks out laughing, causing a few of the people at surrounding tables to turn and look at us. I let out a frustrated sigh and lean forward and grab onto her sleeve, pulling her back into her seat.

"Aw! Levi you're no fuuuun. Look at you, you're practically a love sick puppy. You need to be a good doggy and lay down if you know what I mean." She wiggles her eye brows at me.

Erwin chuckles and nods once. "I agree."

"Are telling me I need to get laid? Because that was a shit example." I grab my mug by the rim and take a relaxing sip of my Earl Grey tea.

Although, the thought wasn't a bad one...

Hanji just laughs and turns back around to tug at my arm. "You obviously like him, go ask him out!" I nearly spit out my drink back into its cup, but luckily am able to hold it in.

I look up at her with horror filled eyes causing her to laugh yet again. For the second time, stares are cast in our directions but we ignore them. "Eren? N-Not happening." Damn. I stuttered. That didn't help my case at all.

"It's obvious you two have some type of history. It is destined! Come on! You have tooooo!"

I roll my eyes at her, looking out of the café window. "Get your head out of the clouds, Hanji. That's never going to happen."



"Wait, so you're saying you've only made friends outside of school this year?!" I ask, dumbfounded by Armin's words.

The two of us have really grown close in the short amount of time.We had chosen this time to catch up on current events in the others life. I told Armin of all the tremendous bad luck I've had while he explained how he got a part time job at the mall. Right now, he was answering my question on has he's met anyone new.

Armin shrugs giving me a shy smile. "Well...not exactly. I still have friends, like Reiner, Bertoltd, Krista, and Ymir. It's just that this year I've been focusing on my studies so I haven't really had time for making any more. But yeah, I've recently made friends with these two high schoolers who live quite a ways away. Jean and Marco was it? I haven't really talked to them though."

Those names sounded awfully familiar but I couldn't quite pin point where I've heard them before...

"Ah, okay. I only have Mikasa and Sasha, still, but..." I bite my bottom lip, not sure if I should explain. Letting out a sigh I decide to just tell Armin. "I need new friends. I'm not happy with the ones I have-" I stop short when a chaotic laugh is heard from one of the back tables of the café. I glance back there and make eye contact with a girl resting her elbows on top of her booth seat, her head resting in her hands. The girl looked familiar with the wild look in her eyes, nearly hidden behind the glint from her glasses. She then gets tugged down by whoever else was in the booth with her, breaking our awkward staring contest.

"...A-As I was saying, I'm not happy with the ones I have, mainly because I can't act like myself around them. I even have to pretend I have a boyfriend to be accepted by the two! Well, mainly Mikasa. Sasha just goes along with whatever she says. But still...I don't want that."

Armin nods sympathetically then smiles, snapping his fingers. "I have an idea!" Armin digs his phone out of his back pocket and looks up at me. "Just give me your number and I can text you an address to go to this coming up Wednesday. Since we have the whole week off-except for Monday and Tuesday-my bud Reiner was hosting this crazy party. Guess we're having this yearly party next week. I feel like that would be a great chance to make new friends. Oh, you can bring someone along with you if you'd like. The more the merrier."

I stare in awe at the blond in front of me before smiling. "Well, I've got to go, maybe we can keep in touch and hang out before the party?" Armin says standing up out of the booth. I nod at him and stand up, engulfing him in a hug. "Thank-you! God! You don't know how happy I am!" I release him from his hug taking my phone from my pants' pocket. "Here, let me give you my number before I forget." I exchange numbers with Armin and wave him goodbye as he leaves the shop.

A smile still on my face, I come to the conclusion that I don't have enough caffeine in my body, so I decide to order another cup.

While I wait for my coffee to be made, my curiosity gets the better of me and my gaze shifts over to where I had seen the crazy looking brunette. Instead of seeing her though, I spot Levi?

My heart speeds up from...nervousness? Probably because he was already looking right at me when I had scoped him out.

I stand there awkwardly not being able to tear my gaze away from him. The intensity of his stare increases and turns into an angry glare as he looks away and out the café window.

Why was he staring at me like that? Someone wake up on the wrong side of the bed? Well, from the look of his face, he probably woke up on the floor.

"Armored sized coffee for Eren!" The barista calls my order and I turn away to grab my drink. Taking a sip, and walking out of Titan café, I drop the subject of Levi. The only thing on my mind was the party that Armin had invited me to.

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