It's Not What You Think

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I woke up the next morning completely out of it. First, I wake up two hours later than usual, then I got dressed for school and got ready...only to realize that it was Saturday.

"Are you okay sweetie?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Because you look like you're about to go off to school." She says chuckling at me.

"Ah...I'm just...going to the mall." I take off the backpack that was hanging off one shoulder and toss it onto the couch. Because I'm apparently going to the mall now.

"Are you going with Mikasa and Sasha?" Maybe I should invite them to come with, I'd rather go alone. "Not this time." I walk over to my front door and pause with my hand atop the handle. "Can I borrow your car, ma?" I yell to her so she could hear me.

"Yeah, come get my keys." I run back into the kitchen grabbing my wallet (which I had almost forgotten) and her keys off the counter. I was thankful she said I could drive her car and didn't question me as to why I couldn't drive my own. I keep forgetting to pick up my car from the school's parking lot.

I walk out of the door, unlocking my mom's mini van. Starting up the car I back out of the drive way, and drive in the direction of the mall.


Ten minutes later, I pulled up in the large mall's parking lot. I turn off the car and hop out, walking up to the sidewalk. I honestly don't remember the last time I came here. It was probably long enough ago that the last thing I did here was sit on 'Santa's' lap.

I walk through the tall automatic doors of the mall and find its cool air-conditioning welcoming. Where should I go first...? I look around the enormous mall and decided to just walk around. If I find a store I'll just go check it out since I don't know what I'm looking for yet.

It wasn't long before I stopped in front of the first store. Hot topic! Now I can get a new blink 182 shirt since my previous one is completely destroyed. I walk to the back of the store where all the band merch was and look through the various t-shirts.

I wanted to look for one identical to the shirt I had lost. Looking through the shirts I found the plaque that held an image of the shirt I wanted. I stare blankly at the spot, not believing my eyes.

It was empty.

They're all sold out?! Great, that's just my luck.

I groan looking around and double checking that this was the only area of the store that has band shirts.

Quickly leaving the store in search for a different one I go up the escalator when I don't see any stores that caught my eye.

Now on the second floor, I take in all the shops that had yet to be explored. Especially that one.

Sure there were some promising restaurants here that were practically screaming at me to go eat there, and some stores with flashy entrances, but this place looked like it would definitely be worth my time.

Animation. I've never heard of it, but just from looking at the shop's front window I knew instantly that I wanted to go in. Anime was one of the guilty pleasures that I tried to keep secret from others, but right now I didn't feel like hiding my happiness or surprise as I walked in.

I was instantly overwhelmed with merch for just about every anime. This store even sold merch for the less popular ones that most people have never heard about.

"First time here?" A short girl with light, strawberry blond hair asks me. It was obvious by her name tag that she worked here at Animation. I nod at her with wide eyes, not trusting my voice. She must get this response out of everyone new here because she just giggles. "Well, let me know if you need help with anything. My name's Petra by the way." She says pointing at the name tag on her chest. "Manga's are to the left and shirts and chibi dolls are to the right. Designed bags, blankets, head phones etc. are all in the back." And with that she flashes me a smile and walks off.

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