Sticky Situations

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Three very tiring, long days later, and I'm finally able to get ready for the 'legendary' party I've been waiting so anxiously for.

Armin and I had met up after school on Monday and Tuesday, just catching up on what the other had been doing for the past years. At each of our meet ups I'm sure I blabbed his ear off at how excited I was. Now that all awkwardness was gone between us I finally felt that I could truly call him my friend once more.

I usually don't get invited to these types of things, so I don't know how I'm supposed to dress or act at this party. The only lead I have on this whole thing is that I can bring one person with me.

I pull out my phone getting ready to ask Armin what I need to wear or if I needed to bring anything but I decide against it, tossing my phone on my bed.

Well, it's at some guy named Reiner's house. That means casual right?

Shrugging, I deiced to just slip on a pair of black skinny jeans and a black dress shirt. I roll up the sleeves to the point where they're right above my elbow. Looking in the mirror, and liking my choice in clothing, I put on a pair of combat boots. My outfit was now almost complete, all I have to do is...

I unbutton the first three buttons of my top, shaking my head at the result. That's a little too extreme...I button one up so that only two are left undone.
There we go!

I rush out of my room and tell my mom I'll be out for a bit. It was currently 5:30, and the party started at 6 but there's no harm in getting there a little early.

I stand in front of my house, waiting for my ride to arrive. Only seconds later, the familiar black Lexus pulls up in my house's driveway. I wave an arm as the girl driving rolls down the window.

"Hey, Sasha!"

"Hi, Eren! You look so handsome! Who are you trying to impress?" She says gesturing to the top of my unbuttoned shirt. Blushing I open the car door and hop into the passenger seat.

I don't know why I chose Sasha as the person to bring along with me, I just needed a ride and she happened to be available. I mean wasn't this thing about making new friends?

"You know where to go right?" I ask as I buckle my seat belt. Sasha grabs her purse pulling out her phone, showing me the screen that had the house's address typed into it. I nod and she rests the phone in the car's cup holder between us.

"Before we go, do you want any snacks?" She tilts her bag to me and I stare open mouthed at the amount of treats she had tucked away in there.
"Is that a pack of doughnuts?!" I ask, not being able to believe my eyes. How the hell does that even fit in there?!

" can't have those. I was actually saving them for later. You can have my potato chi...never mind I want that too..." She lets out a frustrated groan, digging through her bag.

"Sasha, it's fine!"

"Ah! Here you go!" She holds up a jar of Mayonnaise, placing it in my lap.

"Don't know why I had that in there. You can have it though." She starts up the car and begins to drive, pulling out of my driveway.


"We're here!" I hadn't realized I had fallen asleep until I shoot up in my seat after I hear Sasha squeal in excitement and feel the car come to a stop. I rub the sleep from my eyes, taking in the surroundings as I exit Sasha's car. We were obviously in a gated community, a large two story house in front of us. Wouldn't the close neighbours be a problem?

I grab the jar in my lap unaware I was doing so.

"Is this the right place?" I ask as Sasha rings the door bell. From the outside of the house it looked fairly normal. No balloons telling you there was a party, and no signs.

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