I Do (Bonus 2)

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I can't believe this day had finally come.

After all this time with the man I loved, I finally knew for certain I'd be staying with him forever.

I had stood nervously at the altar as I waited for Levi to walk the isle....Fine, okay he talked me into walking the isle but what ever.

This role was way manlier anyway.

Wearing a white tuxedo, clutching a bouquet of flowers in hand, I had began to walk down the isle, ready to publicly announcing my never ending love for the man at the altar.

Levi's eyes land on me and he doesn't even try to mask his surprise. I feel my face grow warmer seeing the shorter man's eyes glance me over before landing on my face.

Everyone's eyes were on me all the way until the point I reached my destination, but his were the only ones that mattered.

Levi takes his hands in mine, smirking. "You clean up nice." He whispers.

I roll my eyes at his teasing. How does he manage to stay so casual despite...well, all of this?

"Says the one..." I mutter, my eyes gliding over his body.

Levi also wore a white tuxedo, but I'd never get used to him wearing something that hugged his body so well...

"You nervous?"

I began to shake my head yes, I mean if me suddenly having the amount of patience as Hanji was anything to go by....

I whisper a quiet no, smiling even wider.

"Knowing I'll be with you after this, how can I?"

Staring into the others' eyes, all the guests take their seats as the Officiant begins the ceremony.

My heart is pounding hard with anticipation and excitement, too loud for me to hear what the man is saying. I knew he was speaking, but his words didn't really register in my ears.

Instead I focus on the soft look in Levi's eyes, and the slightest of smiles tugging on his lips.

Before I knew it, the officiant finished his speech, and Levi and I exchanged our promises of love with 'I do's' and sealing it with a kiss that probably lasted longer than necessary but this day was only happening once, so I was going to enjoy it.

Now, everyone sat getting ready for the large banquet that came with the wedding's after party.

"Is it time?" Armin asks, nudging my side. I nod, giving a nervous-but determined- smile. Armin hands me a mic, smiling proudly as I accepted it.

Clearing my throat, I stand up and turn on the mic. "Can I, uh, have everyone's attention?"

Slowly, the chatter began to die down before all attention was on me.

I glance down at my bo-- I mean, husband.

"First, I'd like to thank everyone here for coming," that caused the small crowd to clap, causing myself to smile. "This...everything until this moment has just been perfect. I felt as if I were in my own little fairy tail." I chuckle, reminding myself of the wishes.

I look back at Levi, my smile growing. "I'm in love with this man so much. More than he'll even know. He's handsome, even cute at times. He's talented, and always knows what to say to cheer me up...."

The crowd aw's at my words, and I scoff. "But unfortunately I can't marry fictional characters so I'm stuck with this little shit."

A few people gasp in surprise; some laugh. I hear Levi chuckle beside me, before feeling a nudge.

I could get used to this.

I laugh, clearing my throat. "Okay, okay, but seriously in all honestly, I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with Levi." The crowd claps.

A continue on for a bit thanking more people who have been with me most of the way before I pass the mic to my husband.

He stares at me, holding the mic close to his mouth. He was silent for a moment before clearing his throat. "Well shit."

A few people snickered in the audience. "No one told me about a speech."

I laugh along with the crowd as Levi continues to speak, giving shout outs to certain people similar to what I had previously done.

My eyes scan through the people here today.

I just feel so overwhelmed at the thought that so many people came to support us. My friends...my mom...everyone close to me. Of course, Levi's friends and family attended as well, making everything that much better.

I turn back to Levi who had just finished and moved onto passing on the mic.

Pulling out his chair to sit back down, Levi automatically places his hand in mine. I look down at our intertwined fingers, squeezing his hand lightly.
"What did I do to deserve you?" I mutter to myself.

Leaning to rest his head on my shoulder, he talks just loud enough for me to hear. "Promise to stay with me forever."

Ya...I could definitely get used to this.

"Your wish is my command~"


Hello everyone! This was officially the last chapter of this story. I'm sorry if the last couple of chapters were sort of rushed (plus I have no clue how wedding are supposed to go down, so sorry if it wasn't any good XD. I'll just pretend I knew what I was doing).

Thanks for sticking with me this far, I sure as hell don't know how I did.... At some (a lot) of points I really felt like just abandoning the work all together but thanks to your guys' positive comments I could keep going!

Mind you this was my first fan fic and I didn't expect it to actually get as popular as it had, so that means a lot.

Thanks again, but this small journey ends here... :)

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