•|Chapter 9|•

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Brads P.O.V

I didn't want tour to end because that meant being away from ava,

although i only know her a month or more i've been around her all the time and i feel like i know her all my life! shes so genuine sweet funny and i can go on forever but yesterday was the last tour date and now we are all on the tour bus going home.

"i'm going to miss you dorks" Ava spoke breaking some of the silence

"we'll miss you too" tristan said wrapping his arms around her and bringing ava close to his chest making me feel a pang of jealousy.


"oh man kirstie text me and i can't describe how excited i am to see her!" James said with a bright smile, you can see how much james loves his girlfriend one mention of her name and his eyes are bright,

james saying that made all the boys speak of their girlfriends and how much they've missed them and i noticed brad shift awkwardly while mindlessly scrolling through his phone,

before i could speak to get onto a topic we can all get involved in brad stood up and walked to the other end of the bus.I excused myself and followed brad

"Hey whats wrong?" I asked him sitting down on the opposite side of the small table

"Its stupid" he mumbled

"talk to me"

"okay well for months all i hear is the boys speak of their girlfriends and then its just like i'm threw to the side" brad looked so upset it hurt seeing him like this

i'm very awkward when people talk to me about their problems even though i tell them to talk to me about them i just never know what to say, i also hate when you're best friend is crying and you don't know what to do so you sit and rub their back like they are dogs....

"see i told you it's stupid"

"It's not stupid its happened to me tonnes of times, look i know you probably hate being the only single bandmate but don't feel like you have to have a girlfriend just because you're friends do it will happen when you find the right person and maybe she hasn't come along yet" i told him

"What if i told you i think i know who it is...."


Short filler Chapter :)))))

anyways i hope you guys don't mind that i'm not dragging the whole "Brava" out

its only going to be a short book and i'm excited for the plot!!

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