•|Chapter 35|•

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Today's the day. I'm leaving in 8 hours and I don't know when I'll be back. It could be months or even up to a year, over a year even.
I didn't want to say goodbye to Ava who knew that when I came over it'd be so hard to leave.
I looked over at her as she stayed sleeping her hair cascading down her back, fuck today is going to be the hardest day ever.

Ava stirred and I notice her eyes flutter open
"Morning baby" I said kissing her shoulder
She turned to face me smiling
"Morning" then her face turned into a frown
"Your leaving today.."she mumbled looking into my eyes
"I know.." I looked down at the duvet
"You should start packing."
I agreed and we emptied my clothes from her wardrobe and she helped me pack my suitcase
"Brad your clothes will be creased if you put them In like that fold them properly" she scolded causing me to chuckle
"You sound like my mum" I laughed
"I'm sure you've packed enough bags in your life to know how to fold properly" she tucked her hair behind her ear and put her hand on her hip
"Okay okay I'll do it properly" I gave in and she sighed
"Mum" I mumbled laughing to myself
"Shut up" she giggled
Swatting my arm.
I put all my bags into her car and I grabbed the last of my bags and left her apartment.
"You ready?" She asked, I nodded and she started the car to drive me too the airport.

I entered the airport Ava following closely behind and I had 1 hour before I had to board my plane so Ava said she'd stick around and wait.
"We should get some food" she suggested and I agreed it's going to be a long flight so it would be smart to eat something.
We went to a small cafè and ordered a meal.
"I'm really going to miss you Brad" she spoke her fork messing around with the food on her plate
"I'll miss you too, but maybe you can come over for one of the shows?" I suggested
"I'd love to, only I'm working on the movie until June" she frowned
"Well can't you get any time off??"
"Brad I'm main character if I could get time off I'd be going back with you..trust me" she sighed
I wish Ava could come back with me, who's fucking idea was it for her to come to New York fucking dick head.!
"I'm touring America in June" I smiled
"Are you going to be in New York??" She asked smiling
"Yeah, for a few days! You can join the tour with us"
I'm so happy that it will only be under a few months until I see Ava again and then she can be with us for the American tour, I'm sure Joe will let her to be honest.
"You see, it's only going to be temporary baby" I smiled
"I know, I understand This is what it's going to be like dating you and I'm willing to stand by you even if I've to wait months, to even years "
The announcement that my plane was boarding came through the speakers and now it was time to say goodbye,
We stood up and walked towards the gates.
"Well this is it" she said her lips quivering and tears lining her eyes making them look glossy
"For now" I took her face in my hands and kissed her lips
When I pulled away her tears stained her cheeks
"Goodbye Brad" she cried
"No, it's see you later cause goodbye means forever and you'll be back in my arms soon" my eyes became teary aswell and I didn't care what I looked like crying right now
"I'm so god damn glad Joe made that deal with you cause Ava I fell for you so hard I wouldn't change that for the world cause if that never happened I wouldn't be standing here holding my world in my hands"
I rested my head against hers and kissed her nose
"I will see you soon baby I promise we can be together and we can get our own place me and you"
The last announcement for me to board my plane interrupted me
"See you later Brad" she cried kissing me
"See you later" I grabbed my bags and walked to board my plane I looked back at Ava and she stood there crying
This was hard so hard but I have to go back to the boys and for the tour I'll be back with Ava soon and we can be happy. I boarded my plane and looked out the window thinking to how grateful I was that it was Ava that took my heart and nobody else.
I wouldn't change Ava for the world or the deal between her and Joe.

Who knew something that would hurt so much means so much to me and it all started with a deal Joe made.
AND THAT IS IT! Thanks so much for everything whilst I wrote this story it was only a short book but I'm glad most of you seemed to enjoy it!

I'll post my Q&A sometime next week!

I hope you all enjoyed my book and I hope to see familiar people reading my others :)

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