•|Chapter 22|•

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Even though me and Brad are only going for lunch I can't help but imagine it as a date.
I don't think Brad would ever see me in the way I see him and it hurts so much to think I'd never be the one for him.

Putting on my plain navy skater dress I matched it with some silver sandals. Plain and simple it's only lunch.
I put my hair in a neat bun because it's so hot my hair would probably end up sticking to my neck, gross I know.
I didn't put on much make up I only used some BB cream , mascara and my light pink baby lips and I was done.

About 15 minutes later Brad was at the door.
"Hello ma'lady" he smiled
I returned the smile closing the door behind me popping my key into my small black Michael Kors bag.
"Hey, where are we going for lunch?" I asked, we stepped into the rather large elevator and pressed the button sending us down to the lobby
"Now if I told you it would ruin the surprise" he smirked
"Bradd" I whined
"Don't bring me anywhere fancy or posh I dressed causal cause I thought we where going to McDonalds or something" I shrugged
"McDonalds" Brad laughed
"Don't worry and you're beautiful stop fretting" he smiled
My heart swelled at his kind words and a shit load of butterflies erupted in my stomach and I was smiling like an idiot.
We stepped out of the elevator and walked through the lobby, fortunately for us both there was no fans so we could get out easily.
Walking around to the parking lot Brad unlocked the door of a silver Porsche.
"Brad!" I widened my eyes
"Where did you get this car" my eyes taking in the beautiful yet elegant car infront of us.
"I've rented it for us, hop in"
We both got into the car and Brad started it up and we start driving.
An hour later we where still driving, singing out of tune to the songs on the radio the hood of the car was down and for once I felt so carefree, driving down a straight road just Brad and I in the sun honestly was such an amazing feeling.
"Brad where even are we" I laughed
"Patience dear" he smirked
"I've had patients the past hour" I giggled
Brad let out a little laugh
"Promise just 20 more minutes."
27 minutes later
We pulled up outside what looked like an abandoned warehouse.
"Brad where are we?" I asked stepping out of the car,
We where in the middle of absolutely nowhere and all that was infront of us was this abandoned warehouse.
"Come with me" Brad took my hand in his and led me into the warehouse.

When we got inside we had to walk up stairs and when we turned left we got into an elevator.
"If this even brakes down I swear" I warned Brad as the elevator creaked as it brought us up,
"Stop worrying" Brad laughed.
The lift let out a ding and the doors opened,
We walked out and was in this open planned room decorated beautifully.
It had dark brown hardwood floors and the walls was painted a deep shade of Maroon.
On the walls was a built in bookshelf full of books then a record player beside it on a coffee table,
On the walls was fairy lights covering the border of the ceiling.
"Wow" I said as I took in the sight around me
"Do you like it?" Brad asked looking around impressed.
"Yes! Who owns this place?" I asked
"Me." Brad smiled
"You? How?"
"Well me and the boys, we come here when we just want a small vacation you know when we have no touring to do"
Still looking around I noticed the swirly stairs, photos of the boys, awards.
"It's so cool!"
"Oh yeah I suppose you'd like that lunch now" Brad laughed
"Suppose I do" I giggled
"Well.." Brad said going over to look in the fridge
"I can do us some lasagne?" He asked turning his head to look at me
"Sounds good to me" sitting on the couch i picked up the magazine on the coffee table infront of me,
Flicking through the pages near the end a headline caught my eye

Thats right, lead singer of the vamps Bradley Simpson is currently dating girlband member Lauren Jauregi!
Yes band member Bradley Simpson revealed his relationship with Lauren says they've been "dating for a while but made things official 8 months ago"
So who ships Brauren? I know we do!
Look how cute they are!"
I don't know how long ago this was but it made my stomach drop. Was this the girl Brad is saying he likes???
"Hey Ava do you like you're-oh.."
Brad sat beside me and looked at the article,
"Yeah..em about that?"
"Was this the girl you told me you liked?" I asked calmly,
Why should I flip out he's not even my boyfriend.
"What? No no god no" Brad ripped out the page and crumpled it up throwing it somewhere
"What happened?" I asked confused
"We broke up a year ago, shit went down to be honest with you" he let out a small laugh as if remembering something funny.
"Awh that's another story for another day, just don't worry about that. Oh and that 'Brauren' ship sank"
I let out a small yet confused laugh.
"Anyways the lasagne shouldn't be too long"
I nodded
"Why you quiet all of a sudden?"
Because I really like you and I know you don't like me and I've read about you and you're ex girlfriend
"Just hungry" I laughed
That's the best you can do?
"Sorry about that, want some beer?" He offered getting up going back over to the fridge
"Nah I'm not a beer drinker" I declined
"Hmm, oh here's some.." He took out a dark bottle but the label was faded
Brad turned the bottle around to try read it
"Champagne?" He held the bottle up
"Sure why not" I shrugged
Brad took a glass out of the press and brought the bottle of champagne over and set it on the table
"Here you go" he sat down opening his can of budlight taking a sip.
I sat there looking around noticing the pile of letters in a corner in a big box
"Who's the letters from?" I asked pointing to the box
"My secret admirer" he winked
I rolled my eyes
"Nah, there fan mail that we haven't gotten round to opening " he put his beer on the table, then walked over to retrieve the box.
"Wanna open some while we wait on the food?" He asked
"Sure" I smiled
Me and Brad read through scrapbooks fans had made and read a few letters.
"Ohhh what about this scrapbook" I picked up a big scrapbook and turned it around to look at the front cover to see photos of Brad and Lauren all over it
"Oh for fuck sake" Brad sighed
I still looked through the scrapbook and it was kinda cute the amount of effort this fan put into it...
"Brad what's that burning?" I put the scrapbook down back into the box and Brad ran to the oven
"Saved by the smell" he shouted
"It's okay it's done" Brad took the lasagne out of the oven and sat it in the counter top serving it on two plates
I got up from the couch and walked over to the dining table and say infront of Brad
"Sorry I almost burned it's he laughed
"It's okay it looks delicious"
True to my word it was.
2 and a half bottles of champagne later and 6 cans for Brad we where both kinda tipsy.
With the 1975 playing softly in the background me and Brad where cuddled on the sofa.
The time read 6:47pm.
"I had a good day" I said softly into brads chest
"Hmm" he hummed tracing circles on my arm
"Ava" he spoke
"Yeah?" I looked up at him
"Did I ever tell you you're beautiful?"
I felt heat rise to my cheeks
"Emm, you've mentioned it once" I smiled lightly
"Only once! What is wrong with me I should be telling you everyday!" He stroked my jawline with his index finger turning my head so I'm directly looking in his face
"You're the one I want" he whispered softly coming close to me
"You always have been" he said getting even closer
"Always will be" and he kissed me.
(Not proof read)
I spent all day writing this chapter cause I couldn't update all weekend so please COMMENT?¿

Alsoooooo I might start a Tradley fanfic? Who'd read it?🙊
{so close to 2K guysss}


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