•|Chapter 32|•

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I woke up with something or someone weighing me down then I remembered Brad. Turning around I smiled when I saw Brad, his lips slightly parted as soft snores left him his hair was messy but he still looked cute.
"You done staring" he smiled
I felt my cheeks heat up slightly
"Actually no" I chuckled
Brad sat up causing the covers to fall down off me and I quickly covered up my bare chest forgetting.
"Relax ain't like I never saw it Before" he winked
"Stop it!!" I whined in embarrassment
"Anyways I need to shower" Brad said removing the covers and retrieving his boxers off the ground sliding them on
"Oi stop looking at my bum" Brad joked turning around
Can this boy stop making me blush I swear I'm practically a tomato around him.
A small chuckle left my lips
"Hurry up simpson I stink too"
"Why don't you join me?"
This time Brad didn't smirk for once
"I'm not doing any-"
"We won't have sex if that's what you think I'm asking you" he cut me off chuckling
With a sigh I gave in
"Fine, c'mon Simpson"
Brad signed out of the hotel and we dropped brads stuff off at my apartment and I quickly got changed and we were off out again to a small café for lunch.
"I'm just going to get a chicken wrap and coffee what about you?" Brad asked as his eyes scanned the menu
"I'll just get the same"
We ordered our food and we made small talk while we waited.
"Does Joe know your here?" I asked Brad as he sat checking his phone
"Yeah he helped me with hotels and stuff" Brad stuffed his phone back into his Pocket and stretched his arms out across the table resting his hands on top of my own.
"Brad about the whole thing between me and joe I-"
"Aves let's not talk about it I'm going to let it go if you do" his thumbs rubbed my skin in a soothing manner.
A small smile formed on my lips
Our food came and we tucked straight into it.
"My feet are killing me" Brad moaned as we stepped into my apartment
I walked over to the couch dropping my bags down
"Stop whining douche" I laughed, I turned on the Tv taking my shoes off and throwing them somewhere in the room making my way to the kitchen area turning the kettle on.
"How many shops did you bring me into" he held the bags in his hands up
"Oi there your bags not mine" I pointed my finger at him
"I'll bring them upstairs" he sighed
"You go on I'll get mine"
I walked over to the couch my bags where lazily thrown minutes before and I made my way upstairs to leave them in my room.
Brad was already unpacking his suitcase.
"I hope you don't mind if I put some of my clothes in the wardrobe"
"Go ahead" I smiled I left my bags by the window because I'm too lazy to put them away.
I sat on the bed watching Brad unpack, how can one person look so good putting clothes away?
"And done" he sighed closing the wardrobe then sitting beside me wrapping his arms around my waist
"I'm so glad your here Brad" I nuzzled into his neck
"I'm glad I came" he looked at me then he kissed me,
We had a small make out session and then he pulled away.
"Ava will you be my girlfriend"
I chuckled
Me and Brad smiled at eachother and kissed again.

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