•|Chapter 11|•

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"Bradley" I heard my mums voice call
I groaned and got off my bed to see what my mum wanted
Walking downstairs I saw
"Cerina what are you doing here?!?" I choked
"Nice to see you too bradley" she said.
Cerina was my ex girlfriend, we broke up 6 months ago due to her cheating on me but my mum was always very fond of Cerina.
"What are you doing here?" I asked my tone rude
"Bradley be nice!" My mum warned
"I'll be in the kitchen if you's need anything" my mum smiled giving me a glare as she walked out of the living room closing the door behind her.
"So how have you been?" She asked casually sitting down crossing her arms
"None of you're business! You've no right to show up here after what you done on me" I snapped
" I see the fame hasn't changed you one single bit"
"I kissed a guy at a party happens all the time I was drunk and I apologised! Anyways why do you hold grudges? I bet you still hate that guy who pushed you into a puddle when we was 14 I bet you still envy the guy who kissed you're first crush when you where 16 and you still hate me for that 1 stupid mistake! That one mistake changed everything for us we where so so happy we've been together since we where 17 brad I've been you're best friend my whole entire life you where my first love, my first time and my first everything and that 1 stupid mistake made you hate me forever" this was the most vulnerable I've ever saw Cerina, she comes across as a total bitch but she was right she was my first love and I grew up with her, but I've trust issues since that "mistake"
"Everyday, every single day I'd see you on TV I smile, I smile because you always told me how much you loved singing and that it's you're dream to travel the world, you made it brad and I wish I was the one who could stand by you and say 'he's mine' but I can't" Cerina cried and I couldn't help but go  over and wrap her in my arms feeling what I haven't felt in a long long time, the love I once had
"I went to you're show in Birmingham you know" she spoke lifting her head from my chest, I wiped her tears away with my thumb
"You did?" I couldn't fight the smile on my face
"Yeah you boys where amazing" she gave me a tight hug and removed herself from my embrace
Cerina was beautiful she had long brown hair piercing green eyes and an amazing smile that I never got to see alot
She wiped her eyes and smiled
"So hows everything?" ....
"I'm actually glad you stopped by today" I told Cerina
"Me too" she smiled
"Will you be home long?" She asked
"Just this week I leave for L.A the week after"
"Oh..well keep in touch"
"I will..,definitely"
She put on her beanie and gloves then set down my pathway
"Cerina" I called causing her to stop at the gate and turn around I ran up to her and kissed her she Tensed for a moment but kissed straight back
It didn't feel right though I kept picturing Ava in my head? I pushed that to the back of my mind and focused on Cerina,
"Wow em okay" Cerina breathed when we pulled away
"Goodnight brad" she smiled
"Night Cerina"
Okay I don't think I said this at the start oops:/ but this is only a short book, it's only going to have maximum 30-35 chapters :)
So sorry if you are all reading saying 'wtf it's so rushed'
Keep in mind now brad and Ava know each other a couple of months now :)
Also Christmas is next Friday so if I don't update by then {I might idk) I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas ily all xoxo


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