•|Chapter 31|•

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{2 weeks later}
"And that's a wrap, see you all next week" the director shouted to us all and we got ready to go home.
"Hey Ava" Kendall, a new friend of mine called after me.
Turning around I smiled as she approached
"Wanna hang tonight? Me and a few of the girls was going to go to a new night club that's opened in the city you up?" She asked
I would go but after the party and my anxiety I decided against it. I'd rather sit in my apartment watching Netflix eating pizza to be fairly honest.
"Sounds fun, but I've a lot of things I need to catch up with, maybe another time yeah" I declined her offer.
"That's a shame, maybe next weekend we can have a quiet drink yeah?" She offered
If there's one thing I've learned about Kendall she's a party animal she wouldn't turn down a night out and as you can tell she won't let you turn one down either, with a lot of contemplating I gave in what's a quiet drink going to do?
"Sounds like a plan" I smiled
"Yesss! Okay well I'll see you sometime during the week" she hugged me goodbye and left.
Once again I am the last on set. I walked to my dressing room retrieving my belongings then leaving out back to the carpark where my car was the only one to be saw.
Unlocking my car I quickly fixed my hair and set my bag on the passenger seat starting the car i put my seatbelt on and was about to leave until someone came out of nowhere banging on my window making me shit myself.
After regaining my breath back I looked out the window to see Brad??
I quickly got out of the car almost taking the door with me and wrapped myself around Brad he lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist as my head sat in the crook of his neck, I inhaled his aftershave that I missed oh so much. He put my body back down and I honestly felt like jelly,
"Surprise" he smiled widely widening his arms
"What are you doing here how did you find me but what are you doing here oh my god" I blurted out with shock and excitement laced in my words
"I got In Touch with your old boss and he told me your where abouts and well here I am" he cheekily smiled
I stood there shocked that brads actually here I was happy and confused at the same time
"Wait but why are you here?" I asked the question playing on my mind
"Well when you told me you loved me that night I had to take action cause I love you too and I couldn't let you get away"
My heart swelled and my stomach erupted into butterflies, instead of replying,- mainly because I am speechless- I kissed him, I kissed Brad with love and passion and it was amazing to kiss him knowing we both feel the same towards eachother.
We pulled away,our foreheads resting against eachothers smiling.
"Come on we go back to my apartment"
I said pulling away from Brad
"Aye I'm looking forward" Brad smirked
"Not like that perv" I chuckled getting into my car Brad following behind me
"Wait I need to go to my hotel and get my things"
"Okay, maybe we can just stay there tonight" I offered
"I got penthouse" he said a smug smile playing on his lips.
"I don't know what your expecting off of me tonight Bradley" I chuckled
"It's what your expecting from me baby girl" he smirked.
Brads back bitchesssss ;)
There's only 4 or 5 chapters left guysss😱😱


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