trideset dva

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chimchim01: when i first texted you, you were very sad
chimchim01: and you didn't tell me the reason why

ssugasexual: well i broke up with ma boyfriend
ssugasexual: ex boyfriend

chimchim01: oh

ssugasexual: he broke up with me tbh

chimchim01: he's an asshole
chimchim01: i would never leave someone perfect like you
chimchim01: forget him
chimchim01: you deserve someone better than him

ssugasexual: thank you
ssugasexual: i'm over him now

chimchim01: that's good

ssugasexual: hm

chimchim01: sorry for asking
chimchim01: i mean

ssugasexual: it's okay

chimchim01: you mad now? ☹

ssugasexual: no i'm not

chimchim01: sure?

ssugasexual: yeah 100% sure
ssugasexual: actually
ssugasexual: i'm happy rn

chimchim01: why?

ssugasexual: i don't know
ssugasexual: because i'm not lonely anymore

chimchim01: yeah you have me.. and Suga!

ssugasexual: jup hahah


chimchim01: hyuunng

ssugasexual: what's up?

chimchim01: i can't sleep ☹

ssugasexual: me neither

chimchim01: let's chat until we fall asleep

ssugasexual: i've no other choice
ssugasexual: where's your cat?

chimchim01: she's next to me
chimchim01: already sleeping
chimchim01: she always sleeps on my bed

ssugasexual: well she knows the best place to sleep

chimchim01: maybe she won't be the only Suga sleeping next to me

ssugasexual: what do you mean?

chimchim01: forget it
chimchim01: why can't you sleep?

ssugasexual: dunno
ssugasexual: too many things on my mind

chimchim01: like?

ssugasexual: food
ssugasexual: and
ssugasexual: maybe someone special

chimchim01: who who whooo??
chimchim01: tell meee!
chimchim01: do i know him???
chimchim01: ogay stupid question of course i don't

ssugasexual: you stupid

chimchim01: how is he?? Is he nice? Handsome? Kind?

ssugasexual: he's actually a dumb piece of shit

chimchim01: oh

ssugasexual: but handsome af
ssugasexual: and yeah kinda nice and funny i think dunno
ssugasexual: i don't think i fell for him
ssugasexual: i just like him a little bit
ssugasexual: why am i even telling you this??

chimchim01: because we are friends of course!
chimchim01: but that's so cuuteeeeee

ssugasexual: nah it's annoying and disgusting

chimchim01: no being in love isn't annoying nor disgusting!

ssugasexual: i'm not in love!

chimchim01: but soon
chimchim01: this lucky boy
chimchim01: i hope he'll see the real you
chimchim01: the perfect min yoongi


chimchim01: i think you're sleeping already
chimchim01: good night hyung~

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