pedeset osam

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alienhyung: *insert picture*

bakemeakookie: you look so ugly

alienhyung: i love you too :-)

ssugasexual: wow how friendly Jungkook is

chimchim01: they are like you and me hyung
chimchim01: like we were before

ssugasexual: yeah
ssugasexual: i bet they will date in like one week or maybe two?

chimchim01: i think one week or less

bakemeakookie: could you stop talking about our current relationship and stop your strange shipping stuff

chimchim01: neveeerrr

bakemeakookie: i will kill you tomorrow in school

ssugasexual: no one is touching my baby except me

alienhyung: I'M DYING AGAIN
alienhyung: but i think kookie and I will date in like 3 days ;-)

chimchim01: ogay let's make a bet

ssugasexual: i'm giving the two of you.. two weeks

chimchim01: i think one week

alienhyung: three days and he's mine

bakemeakookie: shut up

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