šezdeset [full]

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"So you two are..dating?" Yerim asks her 4 years younger brother as they were making some sandwiches, while Jimin is in Yoongi's room to change into his Pyjama. After their first meeting, they had a small talk and decided to make some sandwiches because they had gotten hungry.

"Uhm.. no.." Yoongi says after looking at his sister with a surprised face. Even if he's trying to look cool, in the inside he's a little bit nervous because he doesn't know how his sister will react if he says yes. She knows that Yoongi is bi, he told her he's bi even if he's actually gay, but Jimin would be the first boyfriend she would know about. He never told her about Namjoon.

"Don't lie to me. I saw the way you look at him. And he got hickeys all over his neck." Her brother trying to avoid her glance by looking at the sandwich he's making at the moment.
Before he could answer, Jimin shyly walks into the kitchen still a little bit awkward around Yoongi's Noona.

"Do you need help..?" The younger asks causing the siblings to turn around. "Oh J-jimin you finish?"


"Come let's make them together!" Yerim says and Jimin joins them afterwards. They talk and laugh while making the sandwiches and play around like kids.

"Try it!" Yoongi holds his sandwich infront of Jimin's mouth before the younger bite into the sandwich while Yoongi looks at him intensively and a soft smile appears on his lips. Of course his sister saw the cute corruption between the boys and had to giggle as deep inside her, her almost dead fangirl heart start beating again. "You guys are so cute, please get a room already." Because of Yerim the both blush and look down at the floor, while their Noona can't hold her laugher anymore.


"Don't go alone! Omfg you stupid bitch don't fucking go there!!" Yerim screams aggressively, bouncing up and down on the couch and not knowing how to express her anger towards the characters in the horror movie they're watching right now. Yoongi and Jimin laugh at their Noona and can't even concentrate on the stupid movie. But not just because the movie doesn't make any sense - Yoongi really can't keep his eyes of the younger. Again. He's just too perfect.

While Yerim is still telling the characters which way they should go and Jimin only laughs loudly, Yoongi suddenly puts his arm around Jimin causing the younger to shut down and looking at him with a shoked expression. "H-hyung-"

"It's okay. Everyone should know that you're mine so let's start with my Noona."

"I knew it bitches!" Yerim screams at the movie and somehow at Yoongi and Jimin.

After the movie was over Yerim went to her room just like Yoongi and his boyfriend. They are lying next to each other, Jimin's head on Yoongi's chest and his arms around the younger. It's silent between them but they don't need to speak because it's perfect just like it is now. Both of them can't fall asleep.

"I can't sleep." Yoongi whispers and pulls the younger closer to himself. "Me neither. I'm too happy to sleep."

"Same." The both couldn't hold their bright smile. After it got silent again Jimin suddenly kisses Yoongi's neck causing the older to giggle. "You okay?" Yoongi asks because it's the first time Jimin kissed him first. In general it's always Yoongi who makes the first step. "Hm." Jimin answers before placing the next kiss on Yoongi's pale neck. "Are you maybe horny or what??"

"No i'm just happy to be here." The younger says laughing. "And you don't have any hickeys!" So Jimin starts leaving some hickeys on Yoongi while the older enjoys the soft lips on his neck and the gentle kisses. After Jimin is finish he finally leans over to Yoongi, smiles before he presses his lips against Yoongi's.
"I-i love you, H-hyung." It's the first time for them to say that they love each other - it's quite easier to say it through the phone.

"I love you too baby." They kissed again before they change positions as Yoongi wants the younger to play with his hair until he fall asleep.

"Should I sing something for you?"
The older nods and hugs the younger, while hiding his face in Jimin's chest.
The other's hand softly plays with Yoongi pastel pink hair as he starts to sing.

"Kiss me on the mouth and set me free
Sing me like a choir
I can be the subject of your dreams
Your sickening desire
Don’t you wanna see a man up close?
A phoenix in the fire

So kiss me on the mouth and set me free
But please, don’t bite

You can coax the cold right out of me
Drape me in your warmth
The rapture in the dark puts me at ease
The blind eye of the storm
Let's go for a walk down Easy Street
Where you can be reborn

And kiss me on the mouth and set me free
But please, don’t bite"

Troye Sivan - Bite


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