sedamdeset osam [full]

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Yoongi is more than just excited and also happy as he stands in front of Jimin's apartment door. In his hands he's holding a bouquet with flowers, flowers with different bright colors, which reminds him of Jimin. They are so beautiful just like his boyfriend, full of brightness and love.

He clears his throat before ringing, somehow feeling nervously. They haven't seen each other for more than 2 weeks now and Yoongi is really happy at the moment. He could hug the whole world. Only the door keeping the both apart.

Jimin's mother opens the door and is quite impressed to see Yoongi but like usually she greets the boy, she used to see almost everday.

"Is Jimin at home?" Yoongi asks a little bit shy because he wasn't expecting to see Jimin's mother. They've already met a few times, but Jimin and Yoongi decided to tell her another time, that the two are dating. First of all Jimin needs to tell her that he's gay. So standing in front of his boyfriend's mother, with a bouquet of flowers in his hands, is more than just awkward.
"Yes he's, come in." She responses with a friendly smile, making space for Yoongi to enter the apartment. "He's in his room studying with Hoseok."

"Thank you." After bowing politly, Yoongi just smiles and walks up to Jimin's room not caring about the fact that Jimin's friend is with him.
Without knocking he opens the door.

His heart breaks the same moment he saw Jimin, sharing a kiss with the other guy - with Hoseok. As he notices Yoongi, Jimin immediately pulls away, more than just shocked to see his boyfriend, while Yoongi looks at him with tears in his eyes and a broken heart.

Again. His love found a replacement for him, again. Why is it so easy to get over Yoongi, why is it so easy to leave him? Why is it always him?

"Y-yoongi I-i c-can-" Jimin stammers shocked while standing up and walking towards his boyfriend, who immediately takes a few steps back.

"S-shut up, you asshole!" Yoongi shouts angrily, "I-i thought you-- a-aish!" After saying that Yoongi rushes out of the room and out of the apartment, being followed by Jimin, who wants to explain everything to Yoongi. "W-wait Hyung!" He screams but Yoongi doesn't want to listen to him, he wants to disappear.

Suddenly the older stops, turning around to face Jimin with teary eyes - anger and disappointment written in them.

"Take your goddamn flowers and leave me alone!" He shouts really loud and throws the bouquet, he bought for his boyfriend, at Jimin and runs away without even listening to what Jimin had to say.

He runs and runs but doesn't even know where he's running, because this place is still unfamiliar to him.
As he can't breathe properly, he stops and rest on a bench, while tears covering his face. Yoongi hides his face with his hands as he puts his feet on the bench. While his breath is still heavy and his heart still races like it's running a marathon, the pain in his chest is getting bigger and bigger and the tears won't stop running down his cheeks.

It hurts. The pain is indefinable, it's like someone ripped his heart into pieces. He experienced this feeling so many times, it's always me, it's always me. Am I not good enough? Am I a bad boyfriend? Do I do bad things? Why do they always cheat on me? Why do they play with me? Why is it so easy to leave me? Why don't they love me like I love them? Why is it always me with the broken heart?

Yoongi doesn't know how long he was sitting there on the bench, crying quietly till there were no more tears left. His eyes are red from all the crying, so he hides his face in his arms, which are still crossed and resting on his knees.
Some people went past Yoongi not even paying attention to him, what kinda made him happy but suddenly he hears steps, stopping right in front of him.


I love you guys

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