17. Best Birthday pt.2

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Stiles pov:
After my trio of friends payed for lunch, we drove back to my house, Scott and Allison taking Allison's car back their way.

"Your Aunt and Jesse are still probably at your house, huh?" Lydia says, parking the car in her driveway.
I glance over at my own house.
"Well, my dads squad car is still there so definitely yes, why?" I ask as we get out of the Honda, standing in front of it. She takes my hand in hers, kissing me slowly on the lips. So slow it was actually painful.

"Because I still have to give you your birthday present." She smiles and a lump forms on my throat. She wasted no time in dragging me over to her house, through the front door and up the stairs to her room.
"Your mom isn't here?" I ask. Lydia removes her jacket, throwing it on a chair in the corner before stepping as close as possible to me.

"My mom's never here." She smirks, grabbing the back of my neck so my lips line up with hers before kissing me. She doesn't waste anytime in stepping backwards, her legs hitting the edge of the bed and she falls on the mattress causing me to fall along with her.

My hands slowly up and down her thin figure. By now I knew how to get her going, removing my lips from hers and instead placing them where her jaw and neck connect making her breath hitch.

"Stiles." Lydia's breath comes out a little breathy and I move away from her neck to see her face.
"D-did I-"
"No! You're fine." Lydia interrupts me, smiling. "But, uh, I just want to make sure I'm not pressuring you or anything." He tiny hand reaches up, cupping my my cheek while her thumb rubs soft circles into my skin.

"Hell no." I chuckle, setting my lips on hers in a quick kiss before moving them back to her neck. She gasps quietly, my fingers slipping under the hem of her shirt as my skin meets her skin. Cautiously I slid my hands further up her shirt, nibbling closer to her collar bone as I do so.

Suddenly, she flips us over, sitting on my stomach before peeling off her shirt completely. I swallow harshly and Lydia grins before smashing our lips together again. Her hips rock against mine and I groan into the current kiss causing her to repeat the action, receiving the same effect from me.

Lydia then takes both of my hands with hers and places my palms on the curves of her ass, curling my fingers a little so I do as she wants and squeeze. A small moan escapes into our current kiss making chills roll down my spine. I caused that. I squeeze again getting the same reaction and a smile forms on my lips making Lydia pull away to look at me.

"What?" She asks, grinning as well.
I shake my head. "Nothing... I just really like that sound." I say, referring to her earlier moans. She rolls her eyes playfully, leaning in close.
"Same here Stilinski." She whispers before licking the shell of my ear, combined with a hip roll and a groan slips past my lips.

"You're not gonna last much longer, honey." She smirks.
Lydia's pov:

"Wisconsin?" I ask, drawing symbols on Stiles bare chest with my fingers. He chuckles and I reshift my head on his arm, cuddling closer to his side under my sheets.
"Twice, actually." He says.
"You lived in Wisconsin twice?" I ask.
"Well not in a row. We moved to Florida then back to a different city in Wisconsin." He explains. I inhale deeply, scooting in closer to Stiles. He smiles and I leave a quick kiss on his neck.

"Lydia, we ran out of-" my mom barges into the room and we immediately sit up, me holding my blankets up to cover my chest. She glances between us.
"Oh. Hi Stiles I didn't know you were here." She smiles warmly and I gulp. This was going to be embarrassing.
"I really need a lock on my door." I mumble.

"I'll just come back later... Do you guys need anything? Some snacks? A condom?" She asks and my eyes widen.
"MOM." I shriek and she heads for the door.
"Let me know!" She chuckles and I awkwardly turn to Stiles. Surprisingly, he's laughing.
"She's nice." He grins and I playfully push him. He only comes bouncing back, tackling me to the mattress in kisses and I shriek, attempting to get him off.

"STILES!" A shout sounds from outside and he immediately perks up.
"Shit, uh..." He stumbles out of bed, gathering and putting on his clothes from the floor. "My dad is going to skin me alive I'm probably late for traditional birthday dinner." He speaks quickly, almost falling over as he puts on a shoe while standing on one foot.

I watch as he finishes dressing, stepping half way out of my window before rushing back in and kneeling on front of me. "Thank you." He smiles, placing a chaste, yet meaningful, kiss on my lips and leaving for real this time.

As if on cue, Allison barges into my room, sitting at the edge of my bed with a large smile on her face.
"He's a sweet boy." She compliments and I stare at her in disbelief.
"Where the hell did you come from?" I ask, my voice slightly strained. She shrugs, standing before ruffling through the drawers in my dresser.

"Honestly though. He's not some jackass who says 'that wasn't what I thought it would be' or 'that was...' And then trail off into la la land. He thanked you." Allison picks out a pair of white washed skinny jeans and a white knitted shirt that was a little baggy on me but it looked nice. She throws the clothing at me before heading towards the door.
"How long were you listening to us talk?" I ask.

"Get dressed. Scott is convincing lover boy to go bowling with us." She smiles once more, avoiding my question before leaving me alone.

Some how Stiles had managed to get his birthday dinner postponed until tomorrow due to the fact that something suddenly came up at his fathers work. We'd invited Emma and Jesse not to be polite but just because we thought they were truly fun people. It took a while, but we'd managed to convince them.

I watch as Stiles helps Jesse with her bowling ball, telling her how to correctly hold it but it was too heavy. She picks it up with both hands and flings it down the middle of the lane, hitting two pins and I grin as she gets excited.

Stiles gets the ball for Jesse again, standing behind her before holding the ball correctly. Jesse grabs onto his wrist, putting her shoes on his feet and with his other hand, he grips her shoulder. Carefully, he walks forward, releasing the ball and earning a spare for Jesse.

She giddily jumps off of him, rushing to tell Emma, who was buying food at the concession stand. Stiles happily makes his way over to us, taking the seat next to me and immediately wrapping his arm over my shoulder. He brings me closer for a quick kiss and I smile, scooting into his side as Allison gets up to take her turn.

"This is perfect, isn't it?" Stiles asks.
"It is." I breath, resting my head on his shoulder. "There's only one problem."
"What's that?" Stiles looks down at me.
"Nothing perfect lasts very long." I say.
He smiles.
"Yeah but, at least it's perfect right now." He kisses my forehead and I smile.

And it really was. I wanted to stay in this moment forever: smiling and laughing, not worrying about anything else in the world besides liking one person and having them like you back.
"I love you." I whisper. Stiles grins, pulling me closer to him.
"I love you too."

Authors note:
Comment, read, enjoy!

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