I'm Not Weird, I'm Unique (Chapter 6)

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Hey guys! So sorry for the late update :( I know it took like 3 weeks, but I've just been so busy. I'll try to stay on top of updates. But please enjoy! (:



We were in class answering questions, when Nick asked if I wanted to ditch the rest of the school day with him. I didn’t want to turn this opportunity down, so I went with it. Once the bell rang, we both walked to the entrance of the school causally and calmly, not trying to attract attention. Although, there were a few whispers from person to person, wondering why Nicholas Preston was walking with me the new girl.

     Once we got to Nick’s car, I jumped into the passenger seat and he put the key in the ignition and the car came to life.

“Where should we go?” Nick asked me, as he looked behind him to pull out of his parking space.

“You mentioned something about the park?” I wondered.

“Yeah, and then I remembered that we risk running into someone we know.  Any other suggestions?” He asked me as we pulled out of the school parking lot.

“We could go to my house? My dad is at work,” I told him, sitting back in my seat.

“Okay, we can do that,” He said, turning right.

     Most of the car ride was silent. We listened to whatever was playing on the radio, but since it was still early morning, it was just talk shows.

“Turn left here,” I instructed as he turned.

     Once we pulled up to my house, we both got out of the car and walked up to my front porch. I stuck the key in the lock, but realized the door was unlocked. That’s weird. I opened the door, with Nick following behind me. I heard some whispering coming from the kitchen, are we being robbed?

     I grabbed Nick’s hand and we slowly walked to the kitchen. Once we got into the kitchen, I noticed Cindy and my dad sitting at the table drinking coffee.

“Kaylee?” My father asked confused.

“Hey, dad. Hi there, Aunt Cindy!” I said, trying to act like I’m supposed to be home and not in school. I totally forgot my dad took the day off.

“What are you doing home, Kayl?” Cindy asked.

“You know, just coming to say hello to you. But I thought your plane didn’t get in until four thirty?” I asked Cindy.

“I got an earlier flight.”

“Kaylee, that’s why I asked if you wanted to stay home today. I wanted to surprise you with Cindy coming early,” My father said sternly.

“Oh…” I said, my voice trailing off.

“So who’s your friend, Kaylee?” Cindy spoke up, getting the spotlight on me.

I looked down and realized Nick was still holding my hand, I dropped his hand, “I’m Nicholas Preston. Nice to meet you both,” Nick spoke up.

“Nice to meet you too, sweetie,” Cindy said to Nick.

“Kaylee McCoy, why aren’t you in school?” My father questioned me.

“Oh, Chris, chill out. You only live once, right? Leave them alone. It’s only one day of school. I’m sure the kid needed a break. Huh, it must be stressful to move from one school to another,” Cindy said. This is one of the main reasons why I love her; she’s so understanding.

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