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"Bye Jess!" You said as you closed her car door, walking your way up your long ass driveway. It always seamed to take forever. Or maybe you're just outta shape. You opened the front door stepping in, closing it a bit louder than you probably should have. "Mom I'm home." You called from the door,
struggling to get your boots from your feet.

You set them aside before laying your book back by the door, like usual. You walked down the hallway. Your white socks sliding against the wood floor. You reached the kitchen that was held in the back of the house. "Hey mom." You said kissing her warm cheek. A grin appeared over her lips as she stood over the stove, cooking her all to famous spaghetti and meatballs.

"How was school?" She asked. "Um. Horrible." You said taking a seat at the bar, grabbing your phone from your pocket. You immediately went to Instagram scrolling through pictures. You scrunched your nose, causing a frown.

"Hate her." You mumbled to yourself, but apparently it was louder than you had thought. "What?" Your mother asked, looking over her shoulder. "Oh nothing." You responded, smiling for a snapchat before posting it to your story. "Where's jake?" You asked, sliding your phone in your Jean pocket. "He's at Ashley's." She sighed, cutting up some fresh vegetables.

"She's bad for him. She thinks she's all that because her fathers got money." You said, chowing down on a few carrots. "Well that's how most teenage's think when their parents are loaded." She said, taking a break. She grabbed her glass of wine, taking a few drinks before setting it against the counter top. "Well she's a bitch." You hissed.

"Yn!!" Your mom snapped, her eyes darken with annoyance. She's a nice girl and you will not talk about her that way." Your mom said, continuing to cut up the vegetables. You cringed at the thought of Ashley. She's a stuck up bitch that puts other people down to make herself feel better. You lost all respect for her a long time ago.

"You know she practically forced Jake into their relationship.....or whatever you wanna call their thing that's going on." You said pushing your hair behind your ear. "Well I've only heard good about her. Plus he  seems to really like her." Your mom said. You almost choked on your water. "Those are lies. Everything he says about her is a lie." You said standing up from the stool you were previously sitting on.

Your mom stayed silent. She was probably tired of hearing your shit anyways.
You sighed lowly. "I'll be upstairs, I've got a tone of homework." You said. "Alright sweetie." Your mom said, not even glancing up. You gave her a fake smile of joy before walking into the living room, grabbing your book bag on the way. You walked up the stairs towards your bedroom.

You opened your door closing it behind you. You immediately walked towards your ihome that laid on your dresser. You attached your iPhone hitting your favorite playlist. You cranked the volume up before taking a seat on your neatly made bed, braking out your folders and notebooks.
About an hour later, your name was called from Downstairs.

You stood up from your bed, trying your hardest not to lose your places in your books. You opened your bedroom door jogging down the stairs. You yelped as you stubbled a little but you soon caught your balance. "What?" You asked walking into the kitchen. "Help your bother set the table." Your dad said as he carried some food to the table for your mom.

"Hey. I didn't know you were back." You said walking towards jake. "Yeah I got back about 20
Minutes ago." He said,
Licking over his moist lips. You grabbed the plates and he grabbed the glasses. "Nice hickey by the way. What did mom Say?" You asked durning the walk from The kitchen to the dining room. You felt jakes eyes burning a hole through your face, making you smile. "Shut up." He hissed, placing the glasses on the table, filled with water.
"Just asking." You mumbled.


You placed the last dish in the dishwasher, before starting it up. You washed your hands before drying them. You walked over to the counter top taking a seat. Your feet dangled as you sat there. Your eyes staring around the clean kitchen, admiring your work. Thank god it won't be your turn to clean up tomorrow. You pulled your phone from the counter responding to a few text messages before jumping from the counter top.

You made your way into the living room
Where your family sat, their eyes on the tv screen. "I'm gonna go upstairs for the night." You said, licking your lips. "I've got a lot of homework to get done." You rolled your eye, making sure they saw your struggle. "Alright sweetie thanks for cleaning the kitchen." Your mom smiled warmingly.
"Night. Love you guys." You said as you walked up the stairs and down the hallway. You entered your bedroom closing the door behind your body.

You immediately were overwhelmed with chills.  You adjusted the heat in your room before taking a seat on your bed, licking your lips. You were so stressed with school you almost wanted to quite. You've learned enough to make it through life. But there was no way you were gonna make it into college, or have your parents tell you how proud they are of you. You were determined to finish, even if it killed you, which it might.


Thank you guys so much for reading! I'm so happy to be able to write for you guys!!! Make sure to vote and give me a follow! The more votes this small story gets the faster I'll post the next chapter, and the faster you guys will find out what or WHO she's hiding from her parents :)

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