The Window

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You stepped out of the shower, your wet hair laying against your back. You wrapped a towel around your shivering body, closing your shower door. You wiped the mirror with your hand, seeing your reflecting on the clear glass.

You frowned lightly at your makeup-less face. You dried yourself off before sliding on a pair of Victoria Secret underwear on. They were black with angel wings on the back. They were your absolutely favorite. their comfortable, and for some reason you'll never understand why, they didn't show when you wore leggings. But you weren't complaining.
You pulled a white tank top over your torso, before sliding on a pair of shorts.

You left the bathroom, cutting the light off entering your bedroom. You were so happy to have your homework finished, you could relax and maybe get some sleep tonight. You closed your bedroom door before taking a seat on your bed. your eyes noticed your phone screen lighting up, as it received a call. You were in no rush to grab your phone. As you picked your phone up, a grin appeared over your face. "Baby." A voice filled your ear, your body getting chills immediately.

"Justin." You smiled, licking over your bottom lip before bitting it tightly. "I just left work...." He trailed off, the sound of him driving in the background. "Yeah?" You asked, your eyes staring down at your white bed sheets. "Is your window unlocked?" He asked seconds later, your eyes immediately looking towards the window.

"Yes but Justin my parents are still awake." You said lowly. "Perfect, the alarm hasn't been set yet." He said. "But it will be....and what if it gets set while you're still here. You won't be able to get out." You said, standing up from Your bed, walking towards your window.

"Sounds perfect." He said, causing you to sigh. "This is seriously babe." You said with a serious tone. He mumbled something before he sighed.  "Do you have any other suggestions?" He hissed in the speaker. You curled your lips to the side as you stared out into the neighborhood. "No." You mumbled.

"Then unlock your window and I'll be there in less than 5." He said before the phone call ended. You bit the inside of your cheek before unlocking the window opening it wide. You slowly backed away before rushing into the bathroom. You let your wet hair down from the bun you had. Your messed with it before finally agreeing to leave it down.

You applied Chapstick to your lips before spraying some body spray to your chest area. You heard a few bangs that were very faint. You walked into the bedroom looking out the window as A figure made their way up the tree that grew  To the side of your window. It was very convenient actually. Justin's face met yours, a smile over his lips. He crawled his way through the window immediately pulling you into a passionate kiss.

Your arms wrapped around his neck, your feet being pulled from The floor. He kissed you well before setting your feet back to the carpet. "I missed you." You whispered against his lips. "I miss you." He said, his hands traveling to your butt. You smiled gently rubbing your hand down his neck, pulling his jacket from his torso.

You threw it to your chair in the corner.
"How was work?" You asked. "Same one same old." He shrugged, pushing your hair from your face. "How was school?" He asked. You rolled your eyes. "It's exhausting." You spoke. He chuckled lowly, his eyes roaming the room.

"Homework done?" He asked, glancing at your books on the bed. "Yes." You said proudly. "You should have told me you were coming, you could have helped me." You said rubbing his toned chest. "I didn't know until just a few minutes ago." He said, wrapping his arms around your body. "I needed some us time." He said. You smiled, your nose touching his.

His lips slowly touched yours, causing a small moan to leave your watering lips. His hands pulled your lower back closer to him, your body touching his. Your bare feet stood on top of his shoes, your fingers rubbing down his back, tugging on his jeans from the back before sliding back up his torso rubbing his muscular back. Justin broke the kiss attaching his lips to your warm neck, sending chills through your body.

Your eyes peaked over his shoulder at the closed door before closing your eyes enjoying his lips. He licked your skin, taking the time to inhale your sweet sent before sucking on your flesh. You moaned against his shoulder. His hands trailed down to your ass, gripping it tightly with his big hands. You felt your body beginning to produce lubrication from your lady parts, leaking on your fresh panties. You could  practically feel the mark Justin had left on your neck.

He slowly pulled away admiring his work before his eyes found another attraction, your breast.
He slowly pulled your tank top sleeves down before slowly pulling your white tank top underneath your exposed breast. Justin bit his bottom lip, taking them in his large hands. "Jesus." He whispered, slowly leaning down placing his lips to your skin. You couldn't help but feel like a princess every time he was around. He looked at you like you were royalty, and you loved it. Justin's lips trailed down to your nipple, sucking on it like a piece of candy.

You moaned lowly, your hand resting on the back of his neck. Justin squeezed your Breast every now and then before he slowly bent down slowly pulling your shorts off. You stared down at him, a smiling coming across your lips. Your hand laid on the top of his head, pulling his bleached blonde locks. Justin's hot breath over your panties,
making you wetter. You couldn't handle him any longer.

Make sure to ( VOTE ) if you guys want the next chapter!! Love you guys!

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