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"Happy birthday sweetie." Your mom smiled as she set a neatly wrapped box in front of your eyes. She kissed your cheek before she left the room. You smiled lightly but it faded quickly. You removed the ribbon taking the wrapping paper from the box. You opened the top looking Inside. A pretty black dress was folded neatly with a note on top. You grabbed it resting your eyes over the words.

"Happy birthday Hun! It's so hard to believe you're already 18. Time flys. I know it's been hard for you, adjusting to the move and all, but you're doing great and I'm so proud of you. I know you feel like me and your father are disappointed in you but that's not the case. We're disappointed in the decision you made. But just remember we love you more than anything. I just want you to keep that with you. Love mom."

You sighed at the thought of the move. Your dad got transferred to Georgia almost 3 weeks after the incident, or so they say. You just knew it was the fact that Justin lived near by, and of course they couldn't have their daughter anywhere near him. It's been hard. Having to come down the stairs with a fake smile everyday. Telling your parents you're having so much fun with the new town and house.

But really you were dying inside. You hated everything about this house. You hated your life and you've even thought about ending it yourself. But the thought of Justin kept you sane. You haven't spoken to Justin in a bad 2 weeks. He's on tour. It's very rare that you get to talk to him, since you haven't had your phone since everything happened. It's always late quick phone calls off of jake's phone.

He was nice enough to help you out some. You've made absolutely no friends here, going by the fact that you are barely allowed out of the house. You're belong held in captivity.

You released a small sigh lifting the dress from the box. As the dress unfolded it's self something fell to the bottom of the box. You laid the dress aside digging into the box grabbing your phone. A grin immediately lighting up your face. You giggled holding the button down to turn it on. You stood up from the couch leaving your things.

You walked into the kitchen where your mom finished the dishes. "Thank you mom." You said hugging her tightly. She smiled kissing your cheek. "Of course sweetie." She spoke.

"Hey." She said as you began to walk out. "Your father isn't aware of you having your phone back." She mumbled. "Be carful." She said right after. You nodded before you left the kitchen. You grabbed your things from the couch before running up the stairs into your bedroom, closing the door behind you.

You thew your things aside before finding Justin's contact in your phone. You hit 'CALL' before holding it to your ear, your body anxious to hear his voice.

It was a few rings before Justin's voice filled your ears. "Happy birthday baby!" He said, you could hear the joy in his voice. You smiled giggling to yourself. "Thank you Justin." You mumbled.

"How are you calling me on your phone?" He asked afterwards. "Get this. My mom secretly gave me my phone back." You said. "That's great." He said.

You could tell he always put on a cheerful attitude when he talked to you. You just assumed it was because he wanted to make you happy for a good 5 minutes durning the call.

"Justin." You said lowly, your eyes glancing at the closed door. "Mhm." He said, you could sense the smile over his lips. "I'm 18 now." You spoke, your body roaming the room nervously.

"Yep." He chuckled. You swallowed hard.
"You know where I'm going right." You asked with a small smile.

"I know exactly where you're going with it." He said. You blushed lightly. "I got a birthday gift for you." he said afterwards.

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